chapter one

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September 1st 1991

The Hogwarts Express
In the second compartment in the very first carriage of the hogwarts express sat a pair of first year boys, surrounded by chocolate and talking amongst themselves as they awaited their arrival.

The bespectacled boy was munching on a liquorice wand, whilst the red head was scrounging through a box of Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans.

The conversation between the two flowed fairly freely with minimal awkward pauses, shocking considering they had just met.

The conversation between Harry and Ron was soon interrupted, however, by a young girl, the same age as them, barging into their compartment.

"Quick!" she laughed, "Hide me!"

"From who?" Ron squealed, worried about commotion on the train.

"I don't know!" she snickered, slumping in the seat next to the red-headed boy, "he was ginger, with a big scowl on his face and he looked raging when I told him to suck my dick, but I was only joking! And then he started ranting about a badge or something," she sighed, slumping further into the red seat.

"A prefect badge?" Ron gulped, having a strong suspicion on who the boy could be.

"Yeah! You know him?"

"That's my brother, Percy."

"Oh shit! My bad! I honestly didn't mean it when I told him to suck my dick, I thought he'd get the joke, I'm such a idiot for gods sake."

"You swear a lot," Harry noted, munching on some Bertie Botts, "does your mum and dad not tell you off for it?"

"No," she shrugged, although she frowned a little at the mention of parents.

"Cool!" Ron exclaimed, showing the contents of his mouth as he spoke.

Harry sniggered at Ron, seemingly as unbothered as him, also revealing the mush of sweets in his mouth, as Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"I'm Elizabeth," she smiled, "but everyone just calls me Lizzie, what's your names?"

"I'm Ron," the ginger boy grinned, "and this is Harry," he said, jutting his thumb towards him, and Lizzie and Harry gave each other a nod of greeting.

"Where are you from?" Ron asked, "I've never heard that accent before."

"I live in Newcastle, so I guess I'm from there, but I was born in London," she explained, "where are you two from?"

The trio delved into light conversations following their introductions, until Lizzie jumped from her seat ten minutes later, bouncing on her toes as she peeked out of the carriage.

"I reckon the coast is clear now anyways," she laughed, standing up to make her way out of the door she burst through.

"What?" Harry asked, "don't you want to stay?"

"Nah I'm alright," she smiled, "gunna try meet loads of people before we get there, maybe cause some more trouble." she laughed.

"See you later then," Harry smiled as Ron waved, his mother full of chocolate again.

"Bye boys!" she shouted as she raced out of the compartment.

However, as she left their compartment she saw Percy at the other end of the corridor, just as he looked up she spotted him, so she whirled around and sprinted in the other direction.

Ron and Harry watched in bafflement as she whizzed past them in the other direction, and Ron practically choked as he watched his elder brother chase after the girl.

Lizzie watched over her shoulder as she ran, carelessly pushing through people as she desperately hoped Percy didn't catch her.

Her plan failed however, when she went crashing into somebody, sending them both toppling to the floor and allowing Percy to catch up.

"Shit," she cursed, pushing herself up off of the boy, "sorry, I didn't mean to send you flying."

"It's alright," the boy laughed, "what were you running from anyway?"

"That would be me." Percy interrupted, coming to stand next to the girl with a rather large scowl etched across his face.

"Come off it Perce she's a first year," the boy argued for her, "what'd you do?" he asked, settling his gaze onto her as he stood up.

"Told him to suck my dick," she proclaimed, making the boy choke on air, "but I didn't mean it like that! It's just what you say, isn't it? But he didn't get it."

"It's not just what you say!" Percy fumed.

"Yeah it is! Everyone says it!"


"Maddy, Molly, Taylor, Jo-

"And who are all of these people?" he demanded, "I don't know any of them."

"My friends!" she huffed, "it's not my fault no one at posh school swears! I thought everyone said stuff like that!"

"It's okay," the boy smiled, "Percy gets it, don't you?"

Seeing the look his brother gave him, Percy huffed and stormed away, ranting about the rude little first year who shouldn't know how to swear.

"Sorry," the girl smiled sheepishly, "but all of my friends do swear!"

"It's alright," the boy smiled again, "don't your parents tell you off?"

"I don't live with my parents, I live with lots of other kids, Michelle looks after us."

"Who's Michelle?"

"Our grown up," she shrugged, "it's fun though, because I get to live with all my friends, and Michelle never tells us off for anything."

"Do you live in a care home?" Fred asked, seemingly confused, the only care homes he'd ever heard of were the ones his father told him about for muggles, he didn't realised witches and wizards could live in them too.

"Yes," Lizzie sighed, "is there a problem with that?"

"No," Fred smiled, "I was just wondering, anyways, are you alright? Percy gets proper annoyed by swearing, so do the teachers, you should probably try not to do it too much."

"I'll try," she smiled, "thanks by the way, for getting that boy to let me off, I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzie, everyone does," she grinned, stretching her hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Fred," he grinned back, "do you wanna come sit in my compartment? All of my friends swear too."

Lizzie beamed, nodding frantically as she followed him along the train to his compartment, excited to make even more new friends, especially friends that swore as she did.

She had a feeling she was going to love this new posh school.

i know that the way they speak is very childish in this chapter, but that's deliberate - this is the only chapter set in first year, so i wanted to somehow show verbal changes i guess ?

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