chapter seven

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Boarding the hogwarts express with a raging hangover and a half packed trunk was not how Elizabeth had intended to begin her school year, but unfortunately, she was stuck in a rather annoying situation.

She knew she had definitely forgotten multiple things back at Gulches, but she was too busy struggling to get up to even think about, let alone worry about advanced potions as she shoved all of her things into her trunk.

This right here was the reason she should listen to Hermione when she tells her to pack in advance.

Standing on the platform, head banging, still wearing her dress from last night, only a hoodie over the top protecting her from the cold, she couldn't help but smile.

She was home again.

Naturally, the first person to find her was Dean, who ran up behind her, grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around.

"Ellie!" he shrieked, "We're back!"

"Too loud," she complained, "so loud."

"Are you hanging?" he laughed, loving using the term she taught him when he had his first hangover, curtesy of one of her shit mixes.

"Yes," she grumbled, "so I would greatly appreciate it if you wouldn't shout in my ear."

Dean only laughed, placing his arm behind the girl's back and scooping up her trunk, guiding her towards his parents to say goodbye before they boarded.

"Emily!" Elizabeth grinned, racing towards the woman, running straight into her open arms.

"How are you dear?" the woman asked, smiling fondly at the girl with her arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"I'm good thanks, are you?"

"Just great." she smiled.

"Will you write to me again this year?" she asked, looking at both of Dean's parents, "only if you want to of course! No pressure!"

"Of course we will," Dean's father smiled, "We'll put your letters in with Dean's, just like always."

"Okay!" she beamed, "Well we better get going, if I miss the train again this year Minnie will have my head for it."

"I still don't know why you stole a flying car rather than just waiting for the Weasleys," Emily sighed, "I don't even know how you ended up with the boys, you didn't travel with them."

"I know I got the train to london from newcastle," Elizabeth laughed, "six hour train journey just to miss the train I really needed to be on."

"And you had me shitting myself," Dean remarked, earning a huff from his mother at his language.

"Right well, onto the train, both of you," Emily ushered, "Let me know what you've forgotten Lizzie, I can pick it up from Gulches for you."

"Who said I forgot something?"

"The five separate times I had to go to Gulches last year to pick up your things," Emily laughed, "now get on the train!"

Dean and Elizabeth grabbed their trunks, linking arms as they bounded towards the train together, dumping everything into an empty compartment as they rushed over to the window.

They waved frantically once they spotted Dean's parents, beaming at them as they waved and blew kisses, pretending not to be sad as the train rolled away from the platform.

The pair sank back into their seats as the train departed the station, wasting their time playing exploding snap and eating all of the chocolate frogs that Dean had brought with him.

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