chapter four

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"I'm here!" Elizabeth screeched as she landed in his living room, having been spat out of the fireplace in a cloud of green dust.

"In here!" she heard from the direction of the kitchen as she brushed herself off and made her way in to greet the family.

"Hiya Emily!" Elizabeth beamed as she saw Dean's mother, baking, as she usually was, "how're you doing, good summer?"

"All good thanks dear," she smiled, "pass me the sugar would you?"

Elizabeth nodded, grabbing the sugar from the bench and passing it across.

"How're you darling?" Emily asked, "I know all this Sirius Black nonsense must be hard to cope with."

"It's okay," the girl sighed, "I didn't know until the other say when the minister came to see me, hopefully they catch him soon, so Rita Skeeter can stop making stupid articles about me."

"That woman is god-awful," Emily huffed, "Dean's friend's father, Seamus went to school with her, says she was a foul old hag back then too."

"I don't think I've met a single person who likes her," Elizabeth laughed, "then again, I don't know many wizards or witches who aren't at hogwarts."

"Well I've met plenty, and trust me, everyone hates the woman." Emily laughed, "Dean's upstairs by the way, mustn't of heard you come in but he's been desperate to see you."

"Can I go up?" the girl asked, grabbing her bags from where she dumped them to help with the baking.

"Course you can, if you leave your bags here I'll get Richie to bring them up later." she smiled.

"Thanks!" Elizabeth beamed, wasting no time in rushing up the stairs to Dean's room.

Richie was Dean's father, a muggle, as well as his wife, Emily, so they couldn't perform magic, but they supported Dean immensely, and Emily often joked about looking forward to Dean being able to do magic in the house, so she wouldn't have to do any of the jobs anymore.

Except baking, baking was the only thing in their house that was strictly no magic. Aside from that, the woman embraced it and was proud to have a magical son.

Elizabeth had stayed with the Thomas family many times throughout her time at hogwarts. She and Dean had been best friends since first year, they met on their journey to the castle and had been inseparable ever since.

The pair pulled numerous stunts around hogwarts, often teaming up with the Weasley twins and Lee to cause maximum havoc.

During lessons, it was rare to find the two paying attention, much to the dismay of their professors. Some had even gone as far as to label them as
'the terrors' which they were frequently called.

Elizabeth stayed with the Thomas' during the Easter break and for as long as possible over summer, however long the social services would allow.

Christmas was different, she mostly spent that at hogwarts with the other kids who stayed back, choosing not to impose on the family on a holiday so important. Though she had been reassured many a time that she wasn't intruding one bit, and was more than welcome, she stayed at hogwarts for the christmas break.

Emily and Richie Thomas adored Elizabeth and loved how great of a friend she was for their son. Albeit the occasional bad influence, with her swearing and mischief at school, they knew the girl had a heart of gold and a loyalty like no other, she was the perfect friend for Dean.

Though she was raised in an unconventional way, Elizabeth was kind and treated the family with love and the upmost of respect. She loved Dean's parents as family, and confided in his mother frequently.

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