chapter eight

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Elizabeth eventually found her way into the compartment that the golden trio resided in, alongside a sleeping stranger.

"Hiya," she smiled as she sat down opposite the man, "who's number four?"

"What?" Ron asked.

"Well, you know the seven dwarves? Sleepy? Number four."

"What goes on in your head?" Harry laughed, trying to understand her logic.

"That's not even weird!" the girl protested, "That makes perfect sense! Snow white and the seven dwarves, sleepy is number four."

"Says who?" Hermione asked, "They don't have an order do they?"

"Um yes they do!"

"Since when?"

"Since they always go in that order in the book!"

"Merlin are you still obsessed with that?" Ron asked, earning himself a smack up the back of the head from Elizabeth.

"I'm not obsessed! Just because I read it a lot and like it doesn't make it an obsession!"

"Why do you love it so much?"

"It's complicated and stupid," she huffed, "now is someone gunna tell me why were sat with professor sleepy or what?"

"He was here when we got here," Hermione explained, "his name is-

"Professor R J Lupin, yes I know I can see his case," the girl deadpanned, "doesn't explain why we're sat with a teacher befroe school has even started, I know you're a lick arse mione but-

"Excuse me?" she interrupted, "He was here before us! And there was nowhere else free!"

"Whatever," Elizabeth laughed, "anyways, did you lot have a good summer? Got any crack?"


"Gossip, juice, drama, news-

"Okay, we get it," Harry chimed in, "do you think he's really asleep?"

"Dunno," Elizabeth shrugged, before she dumped her feet on his lap, failing to make him move, "yeah, I reckon he's asleep."

"Lizzie! That's a teacher!"

"Thought you weren't a lick arse?"

"Stop it," Harry sighed, "shut the door, I've got something to tell you."

After Harry had explained the entire Sirius Black conversation, Elizabeth had concluded that he didn't know who her father was, considering he hadn't mentioned her or their relation in his story.

"So good old dad is after you too?" she asked, "He's such a prick isnt he?"

"Dad?" Harry choked, "Sirius Black is your dad?"

"Did the murderer title and same surname not give it away then? My name is Elizabeth Black, don't be thick Haz."

"I'm not thick!"

"Yeah, okay," she scoffed, "you know, in the train station loads of the mams actually moved their kids away from me? I heard one tell their child I was a literal murderer! What's wrong with people?"

"They said that?" Hermione gasped, "That's awful! They can't judge you because of your heritage! How do they even know you're his daughter?"

"Fucking Rita Skeeter of course!"

"Don't swear!"

"I'll swear if I want to."

"We're thirteen!"

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