Prolouge: Sedaria

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Former Sedarian Prince Zozal was hanged for treason. It was a saddened day, in the Empire. A Centurian approached and said, " Emperor,

Princess, The 'Gate' has returned!" " Father, let me head the expedition.", said the Red head. " Agreed.", he replied.

Pina Co Lada, gathered Officers, she knew she can trust. Besides a stunning Blonde Bozes Co Palesti, was Count Colt Formal.

" Forward!", she ordered. Then, she and her army, crossed one of 'The Gates' .

When, they had appeared, they were in a city, of glass and steel towers. Pina, spotted another group, from the 'other'. Her was an Elder

Male in Green clothing. They locked eyes, and made a silent agreement, to cooperate. Then, they continued their 'exploration.'

Pina, seen her Elder 'partner' and other 'oddly' dressed group, stop at a building filled with 'strange' musics, and lighted cabinets.

They made their way into Akihabara, and entered the SEGA Arcade. " Is this a, 'gambling' den?", she asked. As, they stepped in, Myuri

Formal and a dragon girl, resembling an adorable 'dragon' girl from a certain anime, walked in too. She found a 'cabinet' with two of the

inhabitants, slipping in 'paper' or coins, and getting 'coins' back. Letting the inhabitants go, Myuri slipped in a coin, and got a 'load' from the

cabinet. The girl dragon returned, with 'containers' for the coins. " Ladyship. I think these 'coins', are for only the 'cabinets'." " You might be

correct, Lillia.", said Myuri. As they looked about, they seen some of the clearer cabinets, with 'dolls' in them, and decided to start there.

Their carriage, was filled with plastic bags of 'prizes'.

The forces, esablished a tempory post of 'Allied' and 'Sedarian' tents. The largest one, was Pina, her staff and the General and his.

They looked over, what was 'obtained', and entered the other 'Gates'.

They ended up in a new 'land' which seemingly satisfied their new'friend'. Pina, was taken in by everything.

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