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" We have a Pandemic *...* No, we don't need extra bullets. It's not something to solve with shooting it!", said Potter, hanging up.

" Dunderhead!", he said as Christina walked in, with a coffee cup." Not you, the guy at the other end." " Coffee,sir.", she said.

He nodded, and seen the cup. " This is from that 'coffee machine' in that 'place' across from us?", he asked. " Yes, sir. I had to take, what they

got.", she replied. " Noted.", said Potter.

" I cannot believe, I sent 'forces' home, with tihs 'virus' flying about.", said Pina walking the corridors, with Bozes. " Don't beat yourself up.

You had no idea. But, fortunately, 'locals' organmized ' things' to help.", said Bozes.

Sedarian Side of 'The Gate'

Sedarian Forces could not comprehend the people in 'Tan' , 'Green', or ' Blue '. Their 'transportation' seemingly 'unflolded' before them,

and began the inaculations.

Our World

Majors Houlihan and Burn walked into Potter's Office. " General. I and Major Burns, seen Sargent Barkhorn and Captain Yeager drive off,

'unauthorized'. ", said Houlihan. " Actually, Barkhorn asked, I approved.", said Potter. " What are they doing?", asked Burns.

" Getting something.", replied Potter.

WalMart, down South

Some single Male customers and employees, cannot tear their eyes off, the pantless, well endowed Red head, following a cute WW2 dressed

'German' girl, into the store. " They're in back.", said the 'German'. " Right, behind you.", said the Red Head.

Witches Base

"All right all set up.", said Chrisatina. " What in the name of, Picasso is 'that'?", asked Winchester. " Oh, it's.." " It's a decrative 'mirror'.", said

Perinne. Before Christina can correct the Gallian, Radar stepped in, and found a Black, buttoned, plastic, object. " whati s this?",

he asked, pressing the power button. " AND HIS NAME IS, JOHN CENA!", blasted out from the 'glass'. Perinne, was on the ground, trying

to recover. " Oh, I'm very sorry, Miss Clostermann.", he said. " This is, a 'flatscreen' to entertain and inform EVERYONE.", said Christina.

GATE: THE IMPOSSIBLE INVASIONWhere stories live. Discover now