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" Potter, a man in his position and rank, shouldn't had hand out Barkhorn's promotion like that. She's a 'kiss up'.", said Burns.

" Ohj, and my 'little sister' is just sits on her butt, doing nothing. Christina has more integrity in her boady, than you do in your 'one cell'

brain!" Burns turned to chew out Gertrude. But, her familiar was out surrounded by, 'Dark Energy' with, 'Deutschland' spelled out

in, thin, scary, lettering, with an 'iron cross' under it. Burns immediately ran.

Radar, Klinger, and Christina, was eating some homemade Fudge, from Mrs. Potter. " Man, this is good stuff.", said Klinger.

" Well, she sent it, to the General.", said Radar. " No doubt. This is ggggooooooooddddd.", replied Christina. " Say, what are ytou doing?",

asked Klinger. " Finding a 'Christmas' Movie, online. And, I did.", she said.

Movie Night

" Oh, FFFFuuuuddddggggeeee." The Father's face morphed into shock. " Only I didn't say 'Fudge', I said, 'The Word' . 'The Big One.'

'The Queen Mother' of dirty swear words. The F --- Word."

The room erupted into hysterical laughter. Potter held his sides. Hawkeye was rolling in the row. Minna and Gundula was trying to hide

their laughs, behind hands. They had a great time.

The party which followed was a smash.

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