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" Radar!", called out Potter. The one of three who was called, walked in. " What is the status of, The Thanksgiving Dinner?", he asked.

" Well, the fixings for Turkey is coming, and Sgt.Barkhorn is coming along for 'The Bird'. ", he said. " Good to hear. And, The Sedarians.

What is their opininon?", asked Potter. " Thrilled, along with General Vulcan Augusta, his wife, and well, I rather not speak for his twins.",

said Radar. " Fair enough.", he said.

Vulcan Augusta cannot help, smile down at his twin son and daughter, Ruth and Ezekiel. He seen his wife sleeping. " Rest well beloved.

You need it.", he said.

It was Potter's fiftieth wedding anniversary, and he was in a 'funk'. Christina, placed a box with ribbon on it on his desk. " Happy

Anniversary, sir.", she said quietly. Then, she stepped out. Potter untied the ribbon, opened the box, and seen.., " 'Cell Phone', nice

captraption.", he muttered. He plugged it in, and looked into the box. " More, to go with." After an hour, he called his wife.

" Repeat that again. *...* Oh, I'll 'thank' her for it.", said Potter.

He made his way to the other office. "Klinger, Radar, TAKE A HIKE!", he said. Christing stood. " Not you, Barkhorn. My wife told me

'something' of interest. It seems you, wrote my wife, to call me, almost the same time, when you gave me the 'captraption'."

" Well General, I knew your 'Anniversary' was coming, and you were going to be in a 'funk', so I planned it out.", replied Christina.

" Well, I got 'something' to say, CAPTAIN BARKHORN! " Christina ran from the office to tell Gertrude of her promotion.

Potter smiled. 

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