Prologue: Missouri

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The Manager and employees, of the Station/Stop, could NOT process what they were seeing. WW2 forces, fantasy beasts or flying or amored

animal tailed and eared girls, Romans. They were coming out in droves. An elder One Star come out, and said, " Not to worry, we'll cause no

problems. " A smooth headed, narrowed Blue eyed, bearded, leather armored, well muscled man stepped in. He grabbed a all ready

made, packed sandwhich, Strawberry milk, and some bagged chips. He went up to the counter, and tossed down a bag of jewels and Gold coins.

The General went over to the coffee.

The 'Roman' from before passed 'his' food to his Blonde, beautiful, pregnant wife.

The other citizens did not know, what ot make of the situation. There was WW2 'Americans' , ' Germans', and ' Japanese ', looking over

EVERYTHING. Not to mention the horse back 'Romans', led by some the most beautiful women the single male populace has seen,

and the 'dragons', in the air. Some stayed in their buildings or businesses. But, some forces stepped in to look around, purchase

local 'products', and try to get along with thier 'new' neighbors.

The Liberion Corps Of Engineers, completed a 'base' for all the forces. It was equipped with a 'out of the way' runway, to prevent

Witch' and ' Traffic'  collisions.  Some 'fantasty' forces were sent back through their 'Gate', for 'reasons' the other forces knew.

" ******* Missouri...,"

" 'Roman and WW2 Forces...,"

" ...Takeover..."

" The 'Gates'....,"

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