Chapter Two (1): Movies, Diners, Kisses...

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Warning from the Author: Might be cringy? I'm not very good at starting a kinda fluffy romance?

Disclaimer: Natasha may be OOC, so might Peggy. There's an original character introduced right at the beginning and uh... yeah.

DOTTIE UNDERWOOD was currently being pestered by Natasha Romanoff, sitting down in the diner of her friend, Yulia Nikiforova - one of the only red room candidates that escaped instead of getting killed when it was decided that she was not enough to become a Black Widow. Drinking her coffee, and trying to eat peacefully and enjoy her morning. Natasha Romanoff was in front of her, persisting and pestering the older Black Widow.

"Tell me more," She said

"No." Dottie repeated.

"What happened afterwards?"


"How did you and Peggy get closer?"

"Natasha, please do not mention her name-"

Dottie stood up, and went to the counter. Smiling at Yulia, she got another croissant, when Natasha was suddenly behind her.

"What happ-"

"Ебать! (RUSSIAN - Pronounced; yebat, Meaning; Fuck!)" She had punched Natasha, grabbed her hair before Natasha fell back and then hit her head on the counter as a reflex, quick and almost instantaneous, that Natasha barely had time to reach and shield her face with her hands.

"Ow." Natasha looked at Dottie, her hands pressed on her bruised nose.

"Behind me? Really?"

"Okay, I admit. That was a bad decision," Natasha grins ",but as a sorry, tell me more."

Dottie sighed, and sat down at the counter. She pursed her lips and started again.

"After the dinner, something in Peggy's attitude towards me... changed. Of course, Iowa Dottie wouldn't let the fact that she's noticed that be known. Iowa is... oblivious. I based her on Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz, and hell, was that girl oblivious."

"Yes, I remember watching the movie."

"So, at dinner, not my cooking..."

"You know how to cook?" Yulia asked

"Yes, of course I know how to cook." Dottie answers, winking at Yulia "I'm a Black Widow."

"I was never taught how to cook." Yulia and Natasha say simultaneously.

"Your missions weren't the same as mine."

-.. / --- / - / - / .. / .

"Gloria's got a compartment in her pocketbook that can fit a cup of gravy." Said one of the girls, Dottie never learned her name. Rhonda? Jane? All these girls' names are generic-- except for Peggy (and Angie?).

Dottie's eyes widened, because of course she was paying attention. Peggy turned towards the table, where Gloria was sitting next to her, and she saw those deep brown eyes look at her for a second too.

Gloria nodded with food in her mouth, her enthusiasticness is enough to rival Dottie's, and she found humor in that. That someone, who was not faking, could be that cheerful. Then again, she wasn't faking that much - somewhere inside her, she is quite generous - most times, in a bad way - and she does like to sound cheerful, especially when she's killing.

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