Chapter Three (1): ''I'm tired of making healthy choices.''

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Story-telling isn't the only way their story can be told.

Also including, an introduction to

Alyona, the 'trying to be composed' mess of an assassin/spy.

Katya, the 'lowkey worships Dottie/Kalina' chaotic hurricane of an assassin/spy.

Chester, Kalina's boyfriend (don't worry, he isn't mentioned much after this chapter)

Mara, Kalina's best friend, though only briefly.


Warning from the Author: I tried smut again. And there are depictions of issues like self hate, self scolding, terrible Headmistress and uhm, disregard of her life, and uhm-- descriptions of Dottie getting hit by a baton?

Also, the names will be switching a lot. Kalina, then Dottie, sometimes mentioning Ida, and Astrid. But I'm still referring to our favourite Russian spy-- okay,. Favourite Black Wido-- nope, still Nat for y'all. I'm still referring to our favourite heartbroken russian spy.

I'm still referring to Dottie.

So like, yeah.

If I use 'Kalina', it's because she's her old self, where she's cold and murder-y. She's the one that analyzes and notices the small things about Peggy and how to read Peggy. She's the sadist, the 'wolfish predatory' look that Peggy keeps seeing in Dottie's eyes.

If I mention 'Agent BW 03', then she's obedient and compliant, the Black Widow void of a personality, basically, just loyally following orders.

If I'm using 'Dottie', it's Dottie with more feelings and etc-- I try to stick with Dottie more so it's less confusing. She's the one falling for Peggy, mostly.

If I write 'Iowa Dottie', then it's her persona, that cheery town blonde with an overly eager smile whose innocence and naivety is what got Peggy interested in her.
Also, there's a new persona, Astrid, but I think it'll be fine.

I sincerely hope that makes sense. That the entirety of this chapter makes sense.

Disclaimer: I'm sorry. I still suck at writing. And I still have no idea what I'm doing, and I can't get peer review because my friends knocked my confidence down a lot- again - so anyways, sorry! I'm kind of spiraling in self-hate right now.

And I tend to project.

And as an actual disclaimer, most chapters do get away from me, but this one was like a train way ahead of me. I planned like three things in this, and that's, how I start, how I ended and Katya, Alyona and Yulia.

It was a first official date kind of thing, but it spiraled into something so much worse, and I had a crisis while writing cause I had no idea how to continue what I started.

In conclusion, it's less of a 'car crash' type of mess, and more like a 'train crash' level.

Also there's a murder, so just uh, watch out for that. Sorry if it'll make ya uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading?

DOTTIE UNDERWOOD gave Natasha a deadpan look. Crossing her arms and leaning forwards on their table in Yulia's diner. She blinked confusedly at Natasha.

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