Chapter II: "The ink ilness"

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Author's pov:
Both Bendy and Felix were reading every single word on each page on the massive ancient book. Thier curiosity was rising with each word, since most of the things in the book were older than almost 3000 years old. Some of the things in the book caught Felix's attention by a lot like:
-one of the texts talked about a giant scorpion that used to wonder around all the desserts in the world and destroy everything in it's way. Humans, animals, buildings, everything destroyed and vanished pretty much from existing. How was he able to do that? Apparently his speed was faster than 100km/h and it's skin was so resistant, which made him pretty much a tank moving at that ridiculous speed. This one sacred even Felix a bit.
-the other talked about an ancient weapon of destruction, Enzo. A pretty tall guy with kusarigamas as weapons that didn't look like much, but apparently he was ridiculously strong, agile, resistant and even elegant. He could cut a whole 10000 army of people in one heavy swing. One thing that made both Bendy and Felix worry a bit, it's the fact that for now at least, it didn't have a death time. The scorpion had the year 1034 when it finally died, but Enzo had none just '???'. Although Felix made a theory that he might've turned into a spirit who just watches the world and that's why it has no death time, because it might not be able to even die. Bendy agreed to his theory, mostly because he really want something like this guy the walk around the world. In any case, apperently, as the book said, Enzo was actually created by God himself to punish and bring justice to the world, but he only made a killing machine, with no regret and no emotions, at least not so many. God immediately made his creation fall into in enteral sleep. This part of the script crushed Felix's theory, but in a good way so Felix wasn't really mad about it or anything.
-but then one of them, which was right in the middle maneged to get thier attention the most so far at of everything. The ink ilness was made by the Devil himself, because of the humans making a very deadly deal with him and lose it. The deal created the ink ilness, which was spreading all around the world. Thankfully God saw that and chose one of his angels to created a antidote for it and so the angel did. The ink machine was the creation of an angel and the map was given to the chosen ones by the angel's sister. Felix looked at Bendy with the 'nice one' look as Bendy rubbed the back of his neck laughing a bit. Though the end of its story had something quite creepy to it. Even tho the machine was completed, it seemed like, as far as the book says, it's still going, beacuse like Enzo it had no death time yet. Just '???'....this raised many questions in both of our questers heads. Felix was trying to figure out a theory and he kinda had one. He explained that, maybe because it's not a living being, it just can't physically have a death time, which sounded reasonable and it calmed down Bendy by a lot. It was still a bit suspicious, but they decided to just keep going with it and finnaly reached something good.
-The halo harp which was a harp that always sings at 12:00 on march 1 in everyone's dreams, which explained a lot why the questers always heard a brief time a harp in thier dreams on march 1 . They would've continued to read it, but the ground was starting to shake and all the books in the library to fly around. This was a good sign of 'getting the fuck out'. Both Bendy and Felix managed to run out of the ancient place alive and with the massive book intact.

Felix's pov:
looked at the book. "We have to hide this from the world."

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