Chapter III: "L-love me?!"

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Author's pov:
It has been months since Felix and Bendy discovered the book and they slowly told Cuphead, Mugman and Boris about it. Cuphead was a bit concerned about this book, Boris as well, but Mugman, like Felix, was so exited to hear all of the stuff the book said. They even showed it to Oswald, Mickey, Donald and Goofy. Donald didn't really care, Oswald was questioning himself about the ink ilness, since that was the chapter he read first, Goofy got worried, since it was still unknown what happened to Enzo and Mickey was relieved that most of those strong and scary creatures were dead, execpt some like Enzo. They maneged to read half of it, but since everyone kinda got bored of it they stopped and went back to thier jobs and stuff. Everyone execpt one, Felix. He never stopped reading it, he was getting too much valuable information to stop. For him this book was like the biggest mystery of his life. He kept on reading it till the end, all of its 1080 pages have been read. Tho our cat adventure was curious about one specific page. The one that had the word 'love' on it and only that word.

Felix's pov:

Was currently looking at that page. He tried many ways to find if it had any like secret texts, especially putting the paper of it in the light, but nothing, execpt the word 'Love'. Felix was so confused about it, he even tried using a light to see any ink marks, but execpt that word the page was completely empty. It was so wierd. He tried he's best, but he was just not getting it. He then slammed his head in the book, getting tired of not knowing. Though one day he found out.

Author's pov:
One day, during his researches on the page he accidentally dropped it and it landed on it's pages. When he picked it up the book buzzed for a second. Felix got wierded out for second, before picking it up quick. Now the page had his name on it, as if it registered him. Felix titled his head and decided to turn it again and the book buzzed again. Felix turned it again and looked at his name and it said next to his name '-in love'. Felix got shocked at first, but felt like trying an experiment. Since Cuphead and Bendy were in the same room as him that day, he did the register thing to them and then did it again to see if they were in love, but then something happened. Bendy's name vanished for a second and the text '-in love' that was next to Cuphead's name. After a bit the words 'In love with each other' appeared next to Cuphead and Bendy's name right after. Then Felix realised two things: one that Bendy and Cuphead were in love with each other, but too stubborn to tell eachother yet and the page or the book in this case was a love machine tester!

Felix: "What- what if I try this on O-Oswald? Maybe he l-loves me t-too- but what if he doesn't?...I guess I should still try to find out at least."

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