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"Ill take my leave now Sir Felix, please look after his majesty and Athanasia for me" then I bowed down, before leaving Felix said

"Will do your highness."

I then giggled.

~Tiamo Skippo~

I burst through the door of papa's room


"Uh yes my adorable daughter, you gave me a heart attack. Please dont do that again"

"Oh okay papa, anyways. Papa! I'm mad at Papa now!"

"HUH? Wait- why is Athanase mad at Papa!? Did Papa do something wrong? Please tell me my dear daughter!"

He then walked to me and picked me up and sat me down on his lap while he sat on the couch he had in his office. I looked over and saw a ton of paperwork, I then sweatdrop while thinking

'I came in the wrong time'

"Athanase sweetie?"

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Papa.

"Sorry papa" then I started tearing up

"H-hey dont cry! You did nothing wrong. Why did you say sorry angel?"

"I came in here and disturbed Papa while Papa is doing paperwork, i wanted to say that I wanted to see mama, I've never seen mama before. Plus the great and amazing daughter of Rhya De Alger Obelia wont cry easily"

He then looked at me lovingly and smiled while he pulled me closer and hugged me

"Okay then, the great and almighty daughter of mine, I shall accept your request of knowing your mother, the woman I loved. Now I see why you were mad"

I then blankly blinked to what he said and wrapped my arm around his neck and snuggled in.


Nothing beats the love and warmth from someone you care for.

"Okay then, I shall accept your offer father-"

He then looked sad and was about to tear up


He then smiled and flowers appeared from how satisfied he was.

'Damn this man really do like me calling him papa' I then sweatdrop

I flinched at the sudden action of him standing up and exiting his office. I looked at him for any clues on where were going, but all he was expressing was a smile.

Soon we reached papa's room, he pushed the door open and walked in. He then placed me on his bed gently. He then removed the bed curtains (dunno what's its called) and a picture frame of a woman was revealed on the wall of the top of the bed.

 He then removed the bed curtains (dunno what's its called) and a picture frame of a woman was revealed on the wall of the top of the bed

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Athanase Silva De Alger Obelia 《Who Made Me A Princess, OC》Where stories live. Discover now