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We all look around as the loud knock on the door scares us! Could this be it ? Are we going down? Has our past problems finally caught up to us? I look over at Bria who is looking over at King who is looking over at me ! We're shock at a stand still. I mean we're so spooked I don't even think we're breathing.
"Hello! Room Service!" a sweet little voice yells
Ughh Room service !!! What!!?? She knocked on the door like she was the police.
King rushes to the door, laughing he said "I forgot I ordered this shit!"
Welp another day in this hotel I thought
What's up y'all my name is Nyomi and this is my life!!
I've been in this hotel room with King and this girl Bria for a while now. Don't get me wrong King has money so it's not your ordinary hotel room but still I want to get out of here. I've been in here for too long and I need some more excitement It's so boring sitting in a hotel room all day and night. I'm use to being on the go. King use to keep Bria and I out all the time. This life of hustlin and trappin ain't no joke. When I first met King, I was 16 and he was 18, he always made sure to keep me close to him so that way when it was my time to trap, it wouldn't be hard to convince me to get into the game! As soon as I turned 18 I moved out my momma house and started a life with King. I thought it was going to be me and him forever, but I found out that he had a girlfriend named Bria and now I'm in this weird love triangle cult! King won't let me leave and he's threaten me so many times about if I ever ran away  again what he'd do to me. So I stay here in this hotel room all day and all night.
"I got y'all some lobster tail, crab, shrimp, potatoes, corn and salad." King said
I snap out of my daze while looking out of the window. We have a really nice view of the beach but I'm so tired of being here, sometimes I thought about jumping but we're on the 20th floor and I'm not ready to go just yet, maybe if we were a little closer to the ground I would jump but we're not so I don't.
"Coming!!" I said
Bria is already at the table eating
"YALL THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE." Bria said while laughing
"Hell yeah." King said laughing "My high ass forgot I ordered food."
"What's wrong with you Ny?" Bri asked
They notice I'm being stand offish usually I'd joke about the situation too but this time I'm sad and disappointed cause I'm still stuck in this hotel.
"Nothing, I'm just enjoying the food." I couldn't think of a better excuse to not talk.
"Well after you finish eating, come to my room Ny I wanna show you something." King said
Bri rolls her eyes but I ignore it I don't wanna fight. We all know when King says he wants to show us something it's either his dick or some new clothes. So Bri is mad, plus she is pregnant with Kings baby. She felt like since she is pregnant with his first child that she should have all Kings attention and not me but, I don't care she can have his attention. I want out of this weird situation-ship. I signed up to be his one and only and since I'm not that I don't want to be here!
"Okay." I said
"Wow that's a dry response." King said
"Daddy I can come to the room and you can show me something." Bri said
"Girl shut the fuck up, I didn't ask for you I asked for Nyomi Milan." he said in a serious tone
Ughhh I hate when he says my whole name he knows that shit irritates me!
Bri sat there with her lips poked out and irritated cause what could she say to that, her man literally just dissed her.
Bria was here way before me. Bri and King known eachother since they were kids the story is still kind of a blur to me but, I know they got together once King was in Middle school and she was in high school and been together ever since. Bri's been jealous of me since she found out about me and we been beefing since I got here but Idgaf I didn't sign up for this shit. King promised me a different life full of travels and he kept that promise but what he failed to mention is that he has a whole nother bitch! I knew King pushed weight and had girls trap for him but what I didn't know was that I was going to end up being one of his trap girls. I just thought he was going to have me on his side and be cute but like I said he always kept me close for when he did need me to start trappin, I wouldn't fight with his decision plus he exposed me to it, so that way I already knew what to expect, but hey I guess that's what I get for being young, dumb and naïve. My name should be Naïve Milan. I should've listen to my older siblings when they told me he was no good. I just thought I knew everything. I thought I knew him. My dads in prison and My mom passed away  unexpectedly when I turned 19. I haven't seen my older sister but we keep in contact from time to time and as far as  my brother I haven't seen him since momma funeral. I always kept King away from momma cause I knew she wouldn't like him, she was super churchy doesn't believe in all the drug dealing, loud rap music and especially wouldn't approve of what I do now. King and Momma only met once and that was when he came to get me from the house so I could move out. I grew up in church, I love God and here I am in this stupid situation.
"I just need you to drop this baby so you can hurry up and start getting that money again." King said
Bri still sat there quietly and mad with nothing to say. It hurt me to see Bri get treated bad; she would do anything for Kings love and King knew that,
but not me King knew that I wouldn't bow at his feet and do whatever he says and I think that's why he chased after me more than he did Bri. Don't get me wrong I listen but King just knew it was certain things I wouldn't do. Bria was down for it all.
He got me in the actual trap game shortly after my mom had pass and I hate every second of it but I fell in love with all the money I make in one day.  I guess God wasn't lying when he said Money is the root to all evil cause I've seen people do some crazy things for this green, even me. I wouldn't do anything for it but I have done somethings that I'm not proud of.
I finally finish eating man that shit was good.
"Go straight to my room." King said
I wash off my dish, put it away and went to his room.
"Bri make sure you clean up the kitchen, put all the food away and clean the dishes." King said
Man I can't believe he's making Bri clean that much. She is so pregnant, she looks ready to pop but King had us all in check and we knew not to argue back whatever he says goes.
He walks into the room
"What's up baby?" he says with a smile
The younger me pussy would've went to throbbing like crazy I'd be so happy to see him all tall, chocolate, nicely built and pearly white teeth but the me now is just so annoyed. He could tell that spark I had for him was fading away.
"Baby what's wrong?" King said
"Nothing King. What's up? Can you show me what you wanna show me so I can go do something else." I said frustrated
"Why you be acting like that now?" King asked
" I act the same." I said lying "I'm just trying to hurry up and get this over with I got stuff to do." I said
"You needa fix yo attitude and shit how you expect a nigga to get hard and you ain't even acting romantic." King said "I ain't even bring you in here for sex, witcho smart ass I wanted yo opinion on something."
I stopped  being fussy and look at him all surprised cause King never cares about our opinion, it's always him doing what he wants to do. Doesn't care what anybody has to say .
"Man why is you looking like that?" King asked
"Like what?" I said with a smile
"There go that beautiful smile I love but naw you looking all surprised." King said
"Boy bye!" I said jokingly and "I am surprised you ain't never asked for my opinion before."
"I know Nymi." He said like he was disappointed in himself "I'm working on being a better me for you."
Nymi is what he calls me it's his "cute little nickname." he has for me. He made it when we had first got together after I told him how I don't like my government name being said in front of other people, he thought of Nymi and ran with it ever since. I kinda like it now, it was ugly at first it grew on me though.
"A better you for me?" I said sarcastically "Man just show me what you want to show me"
"I'm serious Nymi." King said "Anyways I know you're business minded and I've been thinking a lot about what you said before as far as investing money and leaving something behind for my generations.. So check this out I've been meeting with my realtor and I'm thinking about buying property either a  apartment complex or a bowling alley."
I'm speechless at this business proposal King just pitched to me, I now understand why he asked for my opinion, this is huge.
"Why you so quiet? Is it a bad idea?" King asked
I wanted to see if he told Bri yet or if I was genuinely the only one that knew.
"Well what did bri say when you told her?" I asked
"Bri ain't say nothing cause I ain't tell her ass nothing." He said slickly
I smiled inside cause yes daddy come to me first. I'm always secretly in competition with Bri wether I want to admit it or not. She's always been really pretty and petite to me I understand why King likes her plus she was his first for pretty much everything in life. I always felt like I couldn't top that but hell, we were in a secret competition with each-other. King knew that and he loved it.
"Well can you do both?" I asked the faster we invest the quicker I can get out this game.
"Girl hell naw! Well at least not right now; I eventually want to do both I just need to know which ones the best move right now." King said
"Mmmmmmmm I think the complex people are always gonna need a place to stay." I said
"Yeah, yeah you right babe thats why you my girl." I'm gonna take you to see the property soon in about two weeks. I want you to tell me if it's worth buying." King said
"Ight it's a bet." I said smoothly but deep down in my heart I'm going crazy. King didn't take me out much like he use to so I didn't want him to see that I was happy about this cause he might change his mind.
"It's a bet." He said leaning over to kiss me "now getcho fine ass out of here." he smacks my ass and I laugh as he tickles me out the door.
I saw Bri sitting right there in the kitchen where we left her. King saw her too but he ain't bother to check on her. He went back into his room, shut the door and I went into mine. I felt for Bri sometimes and often wonder why King treats his first baby momma like this. She looks very sad at that table but I just thought it was the pregnancy hormones getting to her.

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