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Man shits been getting crazy around here. I think King slipping into a depression or something he been quiet a lot lately. I found out too much tho. Bria finally had her son It explains why I ain't seen her in a while. Juice name ain't even Juice. King name probably ain't even King. All and all I hope King is okay mentally and this shower relaxes him. It's definitely relaxing me.
"Babe can you get my back." he says
"Yeah baby, I got you."
I start washing Kings back. I'm so in love with Kings skin. I love his chocolate self and his chocolate skin, it's soft and smooth like a new born baby. I'm not surprised at his good skin, he rarely ever drinks liquor or pop. He is more of a water and juice type of guy. King has been looking like he has a lot on his mind lately but I wonder what it was he wanted to tell me before all that had went down with Jucie tho. I want to bring it up but I'm not sure if this is the right time.
"That's good baby thank you." he said
We rinse off our soap with water and as we're preparing to get out I lean over for a kiss. We brushed our teeth and I couldn't stop myself from asking.
"So babe, what were you going to tell me?"
"Wym?" he said
Ugh! Not this nigga playing stupid.
"When we were in bed together the other day you said you had something to tell me, after I had told you about my mom."
"Mmmm!" He says with a mouth full of toothpaste he rinses it out and uses the mouth wash. He spits it out of his mouth and says.
"Well babe. I just want to tell you my real name ain't King."
After putting two and two together I realize that King is their last name being that Juice real name is Keruan Carter King. But wtf is this niggas name Martin Luther or some shit.
"Okay.." I said in anticipation of him telling me his name
"My real name is Kanan. My whole name is Kanan Cartier King." he said
Wtf! Their names are soo similar I would've sworn they had the same mom. I can't lie though that is cute. His daddy had to of had both their moms in check to make sure their names came out alike. Some shit he'd do to Bri and I if he got us pregnant. I can't even be mad. With his life I can see why he went by another name.
"That's a beautiful name. You and Juice have beautiful names."
"What! You not trippin?" King said surprised
"No. I understand."
We walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to lay down.
I feel a vibration coming from the bed as King is still putting on his clothes
*bzzzz bzzzz bzzzzz**phone ringing
MACK is calling
🟢 Answer 🔴 Decline
"Babe, yo phone ringing it's Mack"
"FUCKKKK! I CAN NOT CATCH A BREAK WITH THESE NIGGAS!" King calmly yelled in frustration.
Between Mack and Juice I can see why King is so irritated with life. It's literally always something if it isn't with Juice it's with Mack and If it isn't Mack it it's Juice. Plus Bri and I drama. He has a lot on his plate with us.
"Yo what's up?" King said
I couldn't hear what he said next but all I saw after was King throwing on some shoes and heading towards the door.
"Ight bet.... I gotta go downstairs to the lobby you coming?" King ask
I throw on some sweats and shoes and we head downstairs. When we get into the lobby we see Mack, Bri and the baby. He is beautiful as much as I couldn't stand her, she did her thang with him. He is perfect. He is everything.
I look over and see another woman walking up fast asf towards Bri and she swings
"Stupid ass nigga who tf is this." she said slapping the hell out of Mack.
"London! Wtf are you doing?" Mack says
London is furious. The look on her face shows that's she's ready to kill man. This is no way to find out your husband has been having an affair. I knew once she found out it wasn't going to be good but never expected her to find out this way. I can only imagine the pain she feels right now. Mack's wife London is pretty. She is short, light skin and petite so he definitely has a type. Long natural hair and green eyes. I just hate that this has to happen right here, right now. I told King this wouldn't end well.
"Obviously the mother of his child." Bri responds calmly with a sarcastic attitude.
I knew Bria ass was gon say something smart. I'm just glad it isn't my situation this time.
"BITCH WHAT!" London yells
It's so typical of our life. Of course Bri is about to fight on her first day back home out the hospital after having a kid with the kid she had there.
"London let's go! We can't do this right here, right now in front of all of our guest and workers."
"Boy fuck you! You should've thought about that before you brought her ass here!"
"London come on we really need to talk." Mack says calmly
"Talk about what? I'm your wife. You were hiding another family and had them living in our hotel that my dad help you fund!" London said
Wheeewwww this is crazy. So that's who put Mack on. As bad as I want this to stop, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I guess it doesn't matter, them making a disturbance in their hotel it's their business and after all this is their property. I can't lie this is ghetto. By now everyone in the lobby has stopped what they were doing to pay attention to Mack, Bri and London.
"Man girl dont nobody gaf about that shit!" Bri said
"Bitch stfu cause baby in ya hand and all, you one more word from getting yo ass whooped believe that." London said
"Bri let's go now!!!! London, you and Mack needa talk fr." King said while pulling Bri and the baby away from them and heading towards the elevator. I couldn't imagine being a wife and finding out my husband had a whole nother family hiding out in one of our properties. A piece of me felt bad for London she really had no clue at all. It's crazy to me how much time you can spend with someone and not really know who they are or what they're doing behind your back. I'm scared of marriage. Always have been.
"Man that bitch had me fucked up." Bri said
"Bri seriously you ain't have to say what you said." King said
"She came at me!" Bri said
"Come on, you knew he was married. You should've known his wife reaction wasn't gonna be smooth." King said
"He knew he was married tf!" Bri said in a slick manner
"Exactly! Y'all both knew! But look all I'm saying is that's his wife, she did a lot for him, her reaction is valid and the only person whose feelings got hurt today was hers, Y'all needa take accountability for yall actions." King said
"Man ight wtf ever. I just know when I see that bitch it's on!"
"Man okay."King said
"MaN oKaY." Bri said mocking King.
"Tighten up, you the one that was fucking that nigga behind my back." King said
"Yeah whatever nigga." Bri said
"Whatever Bria. The rooms all yours tho. We out." King said
"So you just gon leave out like that Kanan fr?" Bri said
"Yeah Bria! I'm gone. Told you once you dropped that baby we done. You Mack's problem now. If you trying to trap again you know who to call."
King said as we left the room.
Bri always had to prove a point about her knowing something. She only called him Kanan to get a reaction out of me. But I'm thankful that he told me beforehand even if he wouldn't have I still wouldn't have made a big deal about it in front of Bria. I know him and Bri grew up together so her knowing his full name doesn't shock me at all.
We head back to our room. King is ready to lay down and honestly I am too. King changes his clothes and sits down on the bed and I change mine and sit next to him. I look over at King and just observe him. He is literally so beautiful to me. He catches me staring at him and he looks over at me and says
"I feel like you want to say something?"
And I did. I want to know more about King. I want King to know that I'm always down to listen to him and that this a safe place and judge free zone.
"Babe is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything you feel I should know?" I ask
"Let's see my real name is Kanan, I never knew my mom and My dad disappeared 14 years ago when I was 12."
Sheesh! King never told me any of this before. I mean I never bothered to ask. I just assumed his mom passed away like mine and maybe his dad was in jail like mine. But his mom never being present hurts how could you not want to be in this beautiful mans life. His dad disappearing helped me understand why he's so clingy towards the ones he loves and maybe that's why he reacted so bad when I ran away.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" King asked back
"Uhhh... My dads in prison..."I respond awkwardly
King laughs and says "I know that Ny."
"I know but I think I'm ready to tell you why."
"Really? Okay. I'm listenin." King says
I take a deep breathe and say
"When I was 14 that's when my whole life changed. I don't know what happen, where our perfectly happy family went wrong. But on my 14 birthday my dad said he wanted to take me on date. I didn't really think about it too much but I was excited. He takes me to my favorite restaurant at the time which was Cheesecake Factory. We came back home, no one was there, everyone was gone. Anyways I go to take a shower and my dad joins me. I'm really unease because he had never done that before. I don't know if he was attracted to the way my body was starting to form or what but, I had instantly got out once he came in. I tried to leave the bathroom but he blocked the door so I couldn't. My dad says to me "Baby girl why you running from daddy just relax." and he bent me over and forced his self inside me. It hurt so bad. I kept asking him why, all he said was because I deserved it. Once he was done he forced my mouth open and made me sallow his nut. It taste so bad I threw up. He told me to throw my underwear with blood in it away and told me to take another shower. He cleaned up the blood that was left in the bathroom spotless. Once everyone got home I was stand offish my mother knew something was off because I was never like that especially on my birthday. She asked my dad what was wrong he told her nothing and that I was being a spoiled brat because I didn't get a gift that I wanted in the mall. Later on that day my mom took me on a drive far away from the house, my siblings and my dad. She asked me separately what was wrong with me. I told her everything dad did to me and she just rushed home. When we got there the house was sound asleep. She woke my oldest sister up, told her to call the cops to our home, went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife in a attempt to kill my father while he was asleep. My older brother had woke up due to all the commotion,  he managed to get my mom away from my dad and took her outside to wait for the police. They finally show up and arrested my father. I haven't seen him since. No one has. I always loved and appreciated my mom for taking my side and taking action but ever since then I hated being home. I always felt sick and everyday I was there I couldn't stop thinking about how my own biological father took my virginity. I never celebrated my birthday after that nor do I tell anyone when it is."
"WOAH! DAMN WTF!!!!" King yells
"What!?" I ask in a shock
"Why tf didn't you tell me this before? I would've never made you trap Ny wtf that explains why you always reacted so bad to it." King said
"Because King. It's just not something I enjoy talking about. No one knows outside my family."
"Damn I feel sick asf Nymi I'm so so sorry." King says while hugging me and kissing me
"King it's okay. I'm okay. You saved me in away." I said kissing him back
"Besides I understand why you flip out every time someone you love goes missing and now you understand a little piece about me."
I love this new form of trust and this new bond King and I were creating. I enjoyed being completely vulnerable with him. This was something different for us.
"I know you don't like telling anyone your birthday but do you mine if I know?" King ask
"It's July 3rd."
"NO FCKINGG WAY!!!! You and Bria son got the same birthday and it just passed wow." King says
"Yeah yeah I know. It's really not a big deal to me anymore babe."
"I respect it but I will hopefully like to change that one day." King says
"Maybe one day. Maybe."
Something inside me was starting to love King more and more. He is all I ever want to know. He is everything I ever need in a man. Protective, strong, loving, smart, provider I never had to worry about anything since I've met him. Our relationship started off rocky but I love where we are and where we're going. I can't see myself with anyone else.
"I love you babe and I love learning about you." King says leaning over for a kiss
I love you more baby and I love learning about you too." I say kissing him back.
"Now let's get some sleep felt like I ain't slept in days." King says
We lay down and fell asleep instantly.
We were knocked out sleeping good. I see why Bri loved sleeping with King he's a super clingy sleeper. He always had to be touching you in some way and If you moved he'd just follow you to be closer. I didn't mind cause I enjoyed his warmth. I never got to sleep with King one on one Bria made sure of that every-time. I felt myself falling into a even deeper sleep and now I'm dreaming.
"KING!!!" WATCH OUT!!!" I yell at King
He turns around only to get shot right in his head
I see the guy who shot him but it's all still a blur on who the guy is.
I wake up frantic, heavy breathing and all.
"OMG." I say while waking up out of my sleep. I look over and check my phone
             Monday,July 5, 2021
Dang 10:00am I haven't slept like that in a while, I look over and King is still sound asleep. I don't wake him. I get up and go to the bathroom and ponder on my dream. What does this mean? Is King going to get shot? Oh lord. I couldn't shake the feeling that the person who shot King felt real familiar like some one we know. Is it Mark? Is it Mack? Is it Q? Is it Juice?
I doubt it'd be Juice but honestly ever since Jesus got betrayed by his Brothers I don't put anything pass anyone. I hear King getting up and so I come out the bathroom.
"Good morning beautiful." King said
"Good morning baby? You hungry?" I asked
"I'm starving." King said
"I'll get breakfast." I said
I couldn't help but focus on how good King looks when he wakes up. Shirtless with a durag on my heart is pounding. I ordered the food and honestly I'm happy. King and I haven't had a easy peaceful morning like this since I don't know how long probably never.
The food finally gets here and we sit at the table and eat.
"Babe..?" I asked to get his attention
"What's up?" King said
"I had the craziest dream!!" I said
"Fr? what happen?" King asked
"We were out some where I can't really remember where everything is a blur. I just remember someone was walking towards you and I yelled watch out and before you could process what was going on you were shot in the head it was terrible. I haven't been able to shake the dream or the feelings I felt in the dream." I said
"Damn babe thats crazy. Who did it tho?" King asked
"I don't know my dream didn't show me but the person felt familiar like their spirit in the dream felt really familiar." I said
"Damn Babe I fe-" King said before being interrupted
*Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz Bzzzzz**phone rings*
                   JBOOG🦍🖤 is calling
                      🟢Answer 🔴 Decline
"Hol on babe it's Juice"
Ugh! Not saying it like I don't like Juice but I feel iffy on everyone King hangs around now. Why would I dream about something like that? Is it a warning from God or an angel. I couldn't hear what Juice was saying but all I heard was
"Okay bet, I'll be there in a minute." King says and hangs up the phone.
"Be where?" I ask
"Oh, Juice just wants me to pull up to the spot today guess he got something to show me." King said
"You trust it?" I ask
"Wym?" King asked back
" I mean tha-." I said before King interrupts me
"Look babe if you talking about the dream. I highly doubt Juice would be the one to shoot me."
"I mean I guess." I said
"Don't worry baby." King says downing his orange juice and heading to our room to get dress. Why was he not taking this seriously. I go to clean the kitchen up. King walks out smelling good and looking fly.
"I'll see you later baby." Kings says hugging me from behind pressing his dick against my butt.
"I love you babe. Please come back home to me." I said as I kiss him
he kisses me back and says
"I will, Imma miss you baby fr!" as he leaves out the door.
I hate how the dream made me feel but it is time to get my day started too. Mmmm what to do I thought to myself. Then I thought of the perfect idea of what I can do today.

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