My Fault

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The brunette stared at the apartment door in front of him, his talk with Zane fresh in his mind. He spilled everything, the guilt he felt over Haou’s death, the crush he developed on the man who loved his twin. He didn’t hold anything back especially the kiss he had received that morning. It was a true mess; Jaden ruffled his hair with a groan.

Everything was getting complicated and Zane suggested he should move himself to a hotel but part of him couldn’t leave just yet. With a deep breath he entered the apartment only to be greeted by bright green eyes right in front of him. It took Jesse a second to realize he was standing way to close, the bluenette took a step back. Jaden slinked around him with a small nervous smile on his lips.

“Why were you standing by the door?”

Jesse’s eyes widened a bit “Well, um I was in the kitchen and when I looked out the window I saw you walk up”
Green eyes darted down to the floor as his cheeks flushed pink “You took so long to come in I got worried.”

A smile tugged at the Rockstar’s lips “I’m fine, thanks for worrying though.”

The bluenette’s eyes lit up making those green orbs look like emeralds. Jaden felt his heart skip a small beat as his cheeks flushed. They stood there just staring at each other in awkward silence till a rapid beating broke their attention. The Norwegian rushed into the kitchen muttering unfamiliar words under his breath. The brunette tilted his head slightly curious to what his new companion was doing.

“I made dinner” Jesse put a large soup pot in the middle of the dining room table.

Jaden’s head tilted slightly as he looked out the window, he was shocked by how dark it was. Had he truly not noticed time slip by that fast? He turned back to Jesse who was already shouting for his brother to come join them. He didn’t know if he could handle being around Mamoru but knowing Jesse was there made his anxiety settle a bit.

“I’ll go put my stuff away real quick” Jaden shrugged off his coat.

He received a nod as a answer as the table was set. Moving down the small hallway he stopped part the way. Mamoru was in front of him looking awful, he had bags under his eyes and he looked panicked.

“Can I talk to you real quick?”

Jaden was really against the idea at first but he couldn’t bring himself to say no. the brunette nodded and they both moved into the guest room. Mamoru was silent at first which made the other uncomfortable. Being in his line of work Jaden was used to awkward situations, so he handled like he would the others. Mustering up some fake confidence he swung his jacket over the desk chair. He then hopped up sitting on the elevated bed and with a deadpanned face, he met the blonde’s glance.

Mamoru flinched with that dead look he truly was identical to Haou but he guessed this was just a front Jaden was using to protect himself. He couldn’t blame the kid; he had acted in appropriately twice. He felt terrible for the brunette being in this situation.

“About this morning” Mamoru’s voice was strained “I’m sorry.”

Jaden clenched his hands slightly hoping it would go unnoticed “Why?”

Mamoru’s lifted his head quickly not truly sure if the waver he heard in the other’s voice was real or not.

“Excuse m-“

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