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(guess who's back~ still working on multiple projects especially the fossilshipping one.)

         Mamoru sat in his parked car in front of the airport, the bags under his eyes almost to painful. The blonde had stayed up three days straight already, between nightmares and Jaden's mental breakdown, he had no chance to rest. Dual colored eyes glance over to the entrance of the airport, he watched as multiple tired people dragged themselves out. Businessmen trying to make it to their hotels before meetings, families being reunited, then a familiar bluenette waved to him.

        The visitor ran over to the car popping open the back door and sliding their suitcase onto the seat. Once settle they closed the door and hopped into the front passenger seat. Bright green eyes met tired dual colored ones, the smile the boy greeted him with disappeared a bit.

        "Hey bro you ok?" he knew Mamoru wasn't fully ok since the lose but he knew he was at least sleeping.

        "Me and Jaden became to much of a handful for each other"

        "Jaden?" The name sounded familiar but he couldn't play where he heard it.

        "Jaden Yuki" Mamoru rubbed his eyes a bit to clear the sleep away "Haou's twin brother."

        "Wait the musician?"

        Mamoru nodded and watched his brothers smile get wider, he should have known he was a fan of the rock star.

      "Think he'll give me an autograph?"

       "if you can cheer him up" the blonde chuckled "Thanks for coming Jesse."

        The drive back to the apartment was peaceful and distracting, the young Norwegian had a bright personality to him which helped the blonde. Jesse whistled as he walked into the dark apartment, it was a mess! Boxes scattered everywhere, pictures and books littered the floor. Clothes hung over the back of the couch, mugs and beer bottles littered the kitchen counter. The bluenette turned to look at the now embarrassed blonde who found the floor a lot more interesting.

      "going through Haou's things has been rough"

      "I understand why you would be wrecked but I thought Haou and his brother never got along" Jesse peeked at a few photos.

      "unfortunately, their relationship repaired to late" Mamoru really didn't want to go into detail.

       Jesse felt a little pang in his heart, he couldn't imagine losing his brother never mind never getting the chance to fix a broken relationship. The blunette started collecting the mugs, putting them in the sink he started to clean. Jaden must have heard them because as he was cleaning the second mug the brunette came out of the guest room. He looked terrible, there were bags under his red eyes and he looked pale as a ghost.

     "M-mamoru?" he yawned and rubbed his right eye with the sleeve of his black shirt.

      Jesse's heart stopped, he's seen this boy plenty on tv and magazines but nothing beat the image in front of him. The messy two-toned brown hair, the tired yet still full of life chocolate eyes. His heart; beat in his throat making it hard for him to even breath. Even though the singers voice was worn and raspy, it still had a bit of bright smoothness that Jesse often heard on tv.

     "Jaden I'm sorry but I had to run out and pick up my brother" Mamoru motioned to the blunette in the kitchen.

      Jaden turned to peek in the kitchen, the blonde couldn't help but find the action cute. The brunette was mostly still hidden behind the wall but his head was peeking through the open window that lead into the small space. To Mamoru he looked like scared but curious child, another action that made him different from Haou. Jesse's cheeks flushed a light pink as he was greeted by the curious brown orbs.

      "Hi, I'm Jesse" He gave the boy a small wave.

       Jaden gave him a small smile "I'm Jaden."

       "I know I'm a big fan" the blunette blurted out then cursed himself under his breath.

       Jaden looked at Mamoru and he looked just as embarrassed for his brother; the brunette let out a small laugh. Jesse rubbed the back of his head nervously, after the small introduction the bluenette continued cleaning the kitchen as the other two sat on the living room floor. The blonde sat with his legs crossed trying to make it through another box of vacation photo's. Jaden had his back against the couch and he sat on the floor, the big blue sweater he wore stretched to also cover his knees as he read through more letters.

       Jesse walked over to join the two only to feel the atmosphere go from light to heavy quickly. Sitting next to his brother and across from Jaden he picked up a box, he never got to meet Haou in person but he remembers the man from photo's and video chats. Jesse held up the photo so the image looked like it was next to the brunette, Jaden sense the emerald orbs on him looked up. The rock star tilted his head curious as to what the other was looking at, Mamoru curious about the other two finally looked up.

      "they really are identical" Jesse squinted his eyes.

       Mamoru chuckled "The only difference is their maturity!"

      Jaden pouted a shot the blonde a playful glare, he didn't really care that he was immature that just meant he was more fun.

     "There is a few other differences" Jesse hummed.

       The blunette moved closer to Jaden so he was kneeling in front of the boy, the brunette felt his cheeks heat up as he noticed how close the other was. He could see the brunette's bright green eyes that remined him of precious gem's and his skin was actually pretty pale compared to his. Jesse held Haou's picture next to Jaden's face and hummed.

      "What differences?" Mamoru tilted his head slightly confused.

       "Their eyes are different for one" Jesse smirked "Haou's were more golden while Jay's are chocolate brown."

        Jaden felt flustered and tried his best not to avert his eyes from either brother. Mamoru just nodded his head, he noticed that when he first met the brunette face to face. Jesse pointed to a small freckle that adorned the left side of Jaden's neck.

       "He has a few freckles and Haou doesn't"

       "Hey that's true" Mamoru hummed in thought "he had no marks on his body."

         continued to point out differences in the twins looks which made the brunette smile just a bit. The blonde however still had trouble seeing them as different people, no matter what Jaden did he just saw Haou. However he was happy he brought his brother into the picture; Jesse had a way of keeping his head grounded. Mamoru tuned out so didn't hear what the other two have been talking about but when he looked at Jaden he froze up a bit. The brunette was laughing, it made his heart skip a beat.

        Their laugh was the same and with those bags under his eyes it was almost as if he was in college with Haou again. Like they had spent another sleepless night studying for their psychology exams, when the brunette was tired he would laugh at almost everything. He even laughed for ten minutes at the word pudding, Mamoru always found that cute and that very thought gave him an idea.

      "hey Jaden"

       The brunette perked up and turned attention to Mamoru, Jesse did the same interested.

       Mamoru locked eyes with the brunette "pudding."

       It took a second but the brunette erupted into laughter, Jesse just looked at the laughing boy confused. Mamoru just smirked not even realizing what his mind started to do. Jaden was disappearing in his eyes leaving only Haou's identity behind.

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