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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

(Play star wars intro music while reading the intro)


The rise of the One Sith Empire, the galaxy fragmented and the Jedi are on the run.
The hope seems lost in the galaxy, with the fiendish Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt sitting on the throne of Coursant

While chasing the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy, the Ninth Jedi apprentice Lah Kara and her new partner Ethan were about to finish their training on Tatooine under the tutelage of a wise Jedi Master, the Margrave Juro.

Little do they know that their training was to become full members of the Jedi Order as Knights instead of just Padawans. Then they will embark on a long journey to save the galaxy from this new Sith Emperor and his plans for the Galaxy.

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