Return of the Lightning

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I make a tsk noise and he looks up. He quickly hides the magazine. He's such a preverted old man.

I let out a sigh.

"Oh-oh, Lucy, what are you doing here?" he asks.

"Just- don't even try to hide it, I saw, but, I don't want to be an S-Class wizard, Imean, it doesn't change anything, I still go on the missions anyway. SO why do I have to take the freaking test?" I shouted.

"Look, you might be one of the strongest members in our guild, I need everyone else to recognize that but they aren't going to to until it becomes official!" he shouted back.

I just pouted, "I'll do the test if- Cana can become an S-Class wizard too," I say proud of myself for coming up with this deal.

"I can do that, if it is what you want." he says.

"Awesome!" I let out a rare smile, Master smiles back at me.

I put back on a straight face. 


Cana put Lucy to sleep, of course Lucy allowed her to put her to sleep, now Natsu is stuck underneath a boulder and can't reach the voodoo doll. Lucy sacrificed herself to save Natsu even though they don't know eachother that well.

"LUCY!" Nastu screamed loudly. 

Cain pulled up Lucy's limp body and was about to smash her head again but then he was pushed forward and blood came out of his mouth.

"Lucy," a gruff voice said, "It was Natsu's fault wasn't it?" he complained.

Lucy's eyes widened as she stood up weakly, "La-Laxus," tears started falling out of her eyes, "How- you came to save me," she cried.

Laxus pushed Cain to the side and Lucy ran into Laxus's arms, "I missed you Luce."

"How do you think felt Laxus?!" she screamed into his chest.

"Terrible, you felt terrible, I'm sorry I acted without consulting you," he smiled softly.

"Laxus, what are you doing here you bastard," he growled, he still didn't trust the lightning user.

"Saving this kawaii girl, what did you think I was doing?" he growledback.

Lucy blushed, her whole face was bright red.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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