Nobody Knows

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# Recently: Finally, after three months we were going back to the guild. I yawned and the others looked at me in confusion. "I'm tired," I said bluntly.

# When they get to the guild#

We walked in. Everyone was staring at us. Everyone. Some people started whispering about us.
Suddenly a pink haired mage walked up to me, "Who are you?" he challenged.
I just held up my right hand, "You don't even know who your own Nakama are? Pathetic..."
The door opened right as Natsu was about to hit me, I wasn't flinching but instead I looked at the door, I opened up out of my shell, "Laxus! I've missed you!" I gushed.
"Oh, hi, I really haven't seen you in a long time," he patted my head.
I grabbed his arm. Natsu looked utterly confused, then he went up to Laxus, "Where, is, LAXUS?" he shouted.
"Wow, you really are even more stupid than people think," Laxus stated.
"I know right Laxus? Natsu didn't even know who I was!" I started laughing an so did Laxus. His laugh was comforting.
I saw the blue neko across the room sitting with Wendy, I know everyone's name because Laxus made me study them, what type of magic they use, and who can defeat who.
"Hi Happy!" Happy met me outside of the guild once, we were pretty good friends, we always met when the Thundergod Tribe came back from a job.
"YOU ARE BACK!!" he shouted and hugged me.
Natsu looked even more confused, "Happy? How do you know her when I don't?" he asked.
Than Gray spoke up, "For once, Natu is right. Why haven't we seen you but Happy has?"
"None of your business, Gray!" I shouted his name.
"And how do you know all of our names?!" They all shouted.
"Did you forget that we were here?" Evergreen asked. (A/N: Yeah, I did, <SHUT UP-evergreen>
"Umm, sort of," I said, I awkwardly scratched my head, I looked at Freed, "I'm going to go check on Master, Kay?" I asked.
"Okay," he said.
"I'm gonna go now Laxus," I told him.
He grunted in response.
I slowly walked up the wooden stairs that led up to Master's office. I opened the door cautiously.
"Master?" I asked.
"Yes my child? It's been a while since I've seen you," he said.
"I guess it has," I took a seat.
"So, how have you been? Has 'it' come up again?" He asked me. I shook my head vigorously.
I remember the last time 'it' came up.

OOOOOH? WHAT IS 'IT' TRY TO GUESS IN THE COMMENTS! *^* ~lostintheclouds321

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