Chapter 2: The Wizard

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After departing from the crazed- guys, I made it home safely and got ready for bed. I plugged my phone in next to my bed table. I shut my curtains, closing the beautiful night sky with the moon shining bright and a large star that twinkled above. I wondered how far away it was from Earth, and I began to wonder if it was a star or maybe another planet. I then began to realize that there is life on other planets, which made me start to think about the Martian that lives in this town. Then I started to think about today, the memories.

"Never, ever lay your filthy hands on me, disgusting creature."

Those words would not get out of my head. Had he felt resentment toward me and had he hated me? I was trying to help him. It made me want to cry the way he said it with such venom. It made me wonder if anyone ever helped Marvin or if anyone ever stuck up for him in moments such as that.

Marvin seemed like the type who would not talk to people unless he'd known them from the past or if his friends were friends with other people, then maybe he would talk to them. I remember Daffy telling me about the time how he, Marvin, Bugs, and Pete won second place in the bowling tournament due to Daffy missing all the pins. It was traumatizing for him.

It wasn't often that I saw the Martian, but when I did, he was truly interesting to see. He was shorter than everyone, and he was mean but yet had this odd gentle manner to him. It looked as though he hated it here, but wanted to conform to society. I then recalled how Bugs had purchased the old pizzeria and hired Marvin for the kitchen but then became demoted to a delivery boy with Pete, Daffy taking the lead. The pizzeria is owned by Speedy Gonzales nowadays. I wondered if Marvin still worked there. I could ask Speedy next time I visit him at Bugs and Daffy's house, or maybe at the pizzeria.

For now, all I knew was that I was exhausted from today and that I needed to sleep it off. I felt terrible for Marvin, his face when Bugs and Daffy kept making fun of him broke my heart. I'm enraged at myself that I didn't stay and helped him. I could've caught up with the other guys later, but I wasn't strong at the moment.

I buried myself in the sea of blankets and crashed my head on the shores of my fluffy pillow and fell asleep.


I woke up after hearing the sounds of my god-awful alarm. I stretched my entire body and yawned dramatically. I tried to turn off the alarm clock, but it wouldn't stop beeping. I threw it up against the ceiling but then quickly remembered that it was my phone and not some alarm clock. That caused me to become fully awake and rush out of bed. Of course, when the phone hit the floor, it was styled with a new large crack in the middle of it. I congratulate myself on my stupidity as I turn off the beeping from my phone.

I open my blinds to see the sky semi-dark. I remember Porky telling me and the guys how the Peach Festival starts later today and that he was Bugs go like he does every year. This year, Bugs told me and Daffy had to go with him, and I did not want to go whatsoever.

I got dressed and began my morning routine. I checked my crack phone to see a message from Bugs to come over to his place. Since I lived across the street from him and Daffy, I walked over.

As I was walking, I waved to my neighbors, such as Granny, Gossamer, and Witch Hazel. I tried to wave at Yosemite Sam but he was busy doing lawn work, also known as ripping his satellite dish out of the ground for whatever reason I didn't care about. I saw Tweety, the yellow bird, who belongs to Granny, flutter his little wings through out the street. I called for him but then I saw Granny's cat chasing after him. "Hey!" I shout out to the cat. The cat ignores me as he still chases Tweety up and down the street, fork and a butter knife in hand. Gossamer was watering the plants for his mother with the water hose. I ran over to him and asked him if I could use it. "Yeah Ms. (Y/N), but for what though?" I answer Gossamer's question by spraying down the cat.

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