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It's been a week and what Seungkwan afraid of happened. Mingyu stop talking to him. Every times Mingyu and him bump to each other, Mingyu will act like they never met before. He also stop hang out with the other and go straight to home leaving Seungkwan walking alone from school.

When his parents asked him why did Mingyu stop coming, he will just sigh and lock himself in his room. His parents really concerns about their son. Every night they will hear someone crying from the upstairs and it was non other than their son. They didn't know what happen but they were surely it is about Mingyu and their son's boyfriend. Mr. and Mrs. Boo knew what kind of child Jiheon are but they trying to accept him.

"Are you sure you still gonna go with you behaviour and your silence treatment?"

Seokmin said as he pick up his pen to draw something on a piece of paper. Mingyu crossed his arms against his chest looking up to the ceiling.


"You're serious huh?"

"Of course. How can you stand his behaviour? Everything I said and told him to not to he did it. My words just like an advices to him even though it wasn't."

"But you know what kind person Seungkwan are. It's not like you just know him for one or two year. You guys grew up together since dypers."

Mingyu start have some sweet spot for Seungkwan at the some point. It's true that Seungkwan are hard headed and stubborn. Never take other advice seriously. Always hurts himself. Seungkwan's parents and his parents always afraid of Seungkwan's live. There were one time where Seungkwan almost get hit by the truck when they were still five that time.

Luckily Mingyu and the driver was fast enough and lucky to stop that accident from happen. Seungkwan gets scold for a day about it. But they still thanks to God for nothing happen to him, Mingyu and the driver.

"You better start talking to him before something more worst than this happen."

Seokmin gather up all his belonging as Mingyu glance at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Ouh. I think you didn't know about this right?"

Seokmin give him a look when Mingyu start to wonder about it by himself. Why do Seokmin looks like something worse than this might actually happen?

"About what?"

"I heard Seungkwan have been absent for 3 days straight. I asked Vernon about it he also doesn't have a clue?"

"Huh? Are you sure you gonna believe Vernon words?"

"What? Who know? He might really don't know anything. Hang in there buddy. Better if you pay a visit. I bet you gonna find some new information and don't forget to share some with me."

Seokmin pats Mingyu's shoulder before pick up his bag and walk out from the classroom. Mingyu just stared into space thinking should he really pay a visit or just ignore it and do his business. It's not like something bad really happen right? He thought. He stood up and walk away from the classroom too.

As he walk down the hallway and his way  passing Seungkwan's class, he notice that Vernon, still there doing nothing.

It will not be a trouble right? I just gonna greet him and go back straight to home.

He argue with his own thoughts. Ever since the incident that happened inside the café a week ago, he notice that Vernon start to ignore him as if it was all his fault for yelling and mad at Seungkwan that day. Mingyu take a deep breathe and walk ahead to that classroom.

"H-Hi" He knocked. Vernon straight up his head and look who just greeted him but as he saw the person all his mood dropped.

"What are you doing here?"

Vernon slump back to his chair and crossed his arms. Crossing his legs while staring at Mingyu. Mingyu who get to pick up fast about the atmosphere that change really quick straight up himself and start talking.

"I just- I just want to say hi to a friend." He awkwardly smile.

"A friend? Who?"


"Me? Your friend? Do I even know you? I don't think so?" Vernon said. As he remembers how Mingyu treat him.

"Do you even hear yourself now? Did you just me as your friend?" He chuckled bitterly as he saw Mingyu nodded his head.

"Ha... Me? As your friend? I think you got a wrong person Mr.Kim. Just last week you ignored all my words, turns your back against your best friend before act like we never exist and now you said that I'm your friend? You're really a funny guy Mingyu."

Mingyu just stood there listen to all Vernon words that really went through him like a blade.

"It is true that I ignore you guys but I do have my own reason for doing that."

"Reason? What reason? What Kind Of Reason is that so much more important as you dare to push Seungkwan and made him bleed and even dare to gave him a dead stare? What Kind of Reason do you have when you dare to ignore us when we trying to reach you?"

Mingyu stood there without doing anything again. He didn't know he pushed him really hard until makes him bleeding. He really regret having that guts when he really did pushed him.

"Just- I'm sorry okay? I do have reason that day but I didn't realised that I pushed him hard."

Vernon pick up his headphone before hook it around his neck and shove his phone into his side pocket. Mingyu watch him walks passed him to the door. Vernon turn around while giving Mingyu a haterd looks.

"If you really do feel sorry for what you have done that day, I suggest you to pay Seungkwan a visit and ask for his forgiveness. If he forgive you I will rethinking about being your friend again."

"As if you know what Seungkwan have been through just because of you."

Vernon mumbles before he rolled his eyes and walk away. Mingyu stood there alone in that class think about what will he gonna do. Is he gonna go and talk to Seungkwan or just back straight to home. He still don't know what to do. All he could think now was he felt really guilty and ashamed with himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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