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Stormpaw turned her head in the direction of the clawing. "What?" Dawnpaw's ears became alert and she stared towards the clawing.
"Squirrelflight? What's going on?!" Lionclaw and Stormpaw questioned at the same time they turned their heads to look at each other in sheer confusion and then they turned to face the she-cat again.
"There's a fox!" She panicked, " I left the fox to find Flowerheart and Redtail. Redpaw and Moonflower are there, trying to stop it from going anywhere. Moonflower was hunting when she saw us and the fox," Squrrielflight tried to explain the situation as quickly as she could, hoping they would understood what she was saying.
"Ohhhhh I wanna go! Plz Lionclaw? " Stormpaw begged.
"Hmm, what do you think nightfur should we take them? It would be good practice." Lionclaw waited a couple seconds before turning to stormpaw and answering, "why not? Let's go. It'll be good for you. "
"Okay. But I want both of you to stay behind us, got it?" Nightfur commanded. "Let's hurry then."
"Thank you mr. Lionclaw sir! Oh, and thanks Nightfur. ..." Stormpaw said. All the Warriors ran towards the scene with the two apprentinces hot on their tails.
They arrived at the scene with the Fox whose fur was like fire. It was snarling at the cats and it seemed to be protecting something. Stormpaw growled , "Oh this is going to be fun" she spoke to herself as she bared her teeth and sheathed her claws she smiled as the Fox being to backup.
"Stay back, Stormhea-ur, Stormpaw," Dawnpaw caught herself.
"Nah. I think Imma attack." Said stormpaw not noticing Dawnpaw 's slip up.
"Don't you dare," Flowerheart and Redtail both growled. The fox turned her attention from the adult cats to the two female apprentices.

"Ok, that's ma cue." Laughed Stormpaw as she pounced up from behind the Fox onto it's back as Dawnpaw distracted it. Stormpaw sunk her claws into the fox's back and bit down on the it's neck in a death clamp. Right after Stormpaw did this, Dawnpaw slid and clawed at the fox's stomach, making sure it was dead meat. The warriors were silent. The Fox fell bringing Stormpaw with it. She let go of the Fox as its body fell. She rolled to the side in a clumsy manner then she sat up and cleaned her fur. As she licked the blood from her paws Lionclaw meowed, " I could learn a few things from these two..." Stormpaw then sat up and puffed her chest out. Her head was thrown up in a prideful position, and she laughed.  Dawnpaw got up and sat down next to Stormpaw and cleaned her claws.

"You should have dung your claws a little deeper, Stormpaw," Dawnpaw muttered between licks. Stormpaw mewed in agreement. The she perked her ears up to listen to the Warriors. "The Fox was more defensive than it usually would be I wonder why. " Squirrelflight murmured. Stormpaw grinned, " she was pregnant with pups." Stormpaw said matter of fact.

"Look at the it, you'll see in a moment," Dawnpaw walked over to the dead mother and flipped her on her back and opened the lower stomach area, then she dug her paw and and scooped something out. It was a fox pup.
Stormpaw winced in disgust, "Ew! you didn’t have to do that! that's gross!"

"Oh StarClan..." Flowerheart looked disheartended and sad. "She had pups..."

"That just would've caused more complications for us Flowerheart, " Lionclaw answered Flowerheart and then turned to face the apprentices. " Nice work Stormpaw and Dawnpaw.... and Dawnpaw? Please put that down. " spoke Lionclaw as he nodded towards the dead pup.

"Okay," Dawnpaw placed the pup down and then began digging a hole, "Stormpaw, mind if you help me?"

"What are you doing?" Nightfur questioned.

"We are burying the body so it doesn't attract other deadly animals like badgers or bears." Answered Stormpaw as she started digging.

"Oh, that's smart," Moonflower smiled,"I wanted to ask a few moments ago. but where did you learn how to kill?"

"Oh.... I don't know. ... I guess It's just a reflex, ya know?" Stormpaw giggled.

"A reflex. a reflex?!" All the thunderclan cats besides Dawnpaw and Stormpaw shouted. Dawnpaw nodded.

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