unusual kits at play

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Flowerheart watched the two fluff balls play fighting. they fought as if they had already been trained, rolling out from under each other. pawing at each other's stomach. flower heart felt a chill run down her spine she saw a fire In their eyes burning with excitement. For, a moon has passed since they have arrived one more moon and then they can train to become warriors! But then another odd thing happened Stormkit's fur looked almost like it had set on fire for a millisecond which made Flowerheart's heart almost jump out of her chest. After a while, both kits stopped lied down and slept.

It was the next Sunrise and the 2 kits just woke up. But for a second, it looked like Dawnkit's tail had blood on it, this scared Flowerheart, but the red stuff disappeared. What is wrong with these kits? I know they are special, but this is getting odd and out of hand. I have to tell Bramblestar and Rosepool.After she fed the 2 kits, she walked out the nursery and headed to the medicine den.

When she arrived, she looked left and right for Rosepool. But she wasn't there. Only Basilpaw.

"Basilpaw, have you seen Rosepool?" Flowerheart meowed. Basilpaw shool his head no.

"She might be with Bramblestar, you know Medicine cat and Leader things," he answered. Flowerheart left the den to head to the Leader's den.

"Um, Rosepool? Bramblestar?" Flowerheart mewed and 2 figures moved.

"Flowerheart? Is there something wrong?" Rosepool asked as she approched her.

Flowerheart nodded," It happened before the kits went to bed and after the kits woke up. When they were playing fight, they look like the were already trained, and right before the slept, Stromkit's fur looked like it caught on fire for a millisecond. Also when Dawnkit woke up, her tail looked like it had blood on it for a second or 2. I am worried."

Bramblestar spoke up," Well, Flowerheart, just keep an eye on them."

"Yes, Bramblestar," she meowed and exited the den to return to the Nursery.

"Floweheart? Your back!" Stormkit squealed as she saw Flowerheart enter the nursery," I'm hungry!"

"Okay, where is Dawnkit?" Flowerheart asked and Dawnkit popped out of the section of nursery Flowerheart was living in. Flowerheart slowly walked up to the place, and laid down. The kits started feeding. After the kits were full, she ate some parsley so she could store her milk in her body. Flowerheart looked at the kits, they weren't falling asleep like the other kits do when they are done feeding.

They just started playing again.... It was like they never needed to rest, it was like they had the strength of 2 leaders inside them.... What are these kits?

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey, come to the highledge for a meeting!" Bramblestar meowed as went to the top of the highledge. Every cat quickly moved to the highledge and Bramblestar began his speech," Today, we are going to the Gathering, we need to make sure we still have enough cats to patrol and guard the clan. Nightfur will annouce the cats who are going now."

Nightfur slowly walks up and starts to speak," Moonflower, Squrrielflight, Lionclaw, Rosepool, Basilpaw, Bluepaw, and Owlpaw will come with us." Meows went around the highrock and some flicked their tails in agreement and dissaproval.

"The Clan is dissmissed," Bramblestar roared and everyone continued their jobs. Flowerheart stalked back to the Nursery and went to Dawnkit and Stormkit. They were both asleep and Flowerheart noticed something. Dawnkit's fur was darker then it was when she left. Stromkit's fur was brighter then before. What is happening? There is something strange about these kits, but she couldn't catch what it was.

Note: Okay! I want to Update this story every week at least once, but I can't promise you! I have a lot of things to do and I need to start my new series called The Gems so yea! I have lots of homwork too. And if I can get in contact with my dear BFF Stormheart A.K.A Lexi, I'll tell her to update so some chapters are going to be a different writing style.

                ~ Dawnfire A.K.A Alice or Allison

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