Mmm Squirrels

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It was early morning, the dawn patrol just began when two apprentices woke up. Dawnpaw stretched as she got up and headed out of the Apprentice's Den. Stormpaw felt the absence of her sister and got up. She then followed her sisters footsteps and left the den.

"Hey, Storm," Dawnpaw replied as she saw Stormpaw.

Stormpaw grinned, "what's got you up so early?"

"I don't know, just woke up," Dawnpaw smiled back. Her eyes looking at Stormpaw.

"Well, there's not a lot we can do this early, Dawnpaw." Stormpaw yawned, "I wonder where Lionclaw and Nightfur are...." Stormpaw looked around. 'This place is really quiet... and not to mention empty.'

"Warriors are asleep and the patrol is out, but I don't want to sleep just yet, let's go out," Dawnpaw suggested.

"But we don't have permission! We could get in trouble!" Stormpaw warned. Her tail shifted to the left as she finished her sentence.

Dawnpaw looked straight forward, "Then we can just sit here and do nothing."

Stormpaw tossed her head and sighed, " Fine. Let's go." She ran out into the forest. Dawnpaw followed her sister as they walked around ThunderClan territory.

"I betcha I can catch a squirrel before you!" Stormpaw challenged her sister and waited for her to accept as she turned to face Dawnpaw.

"Whatever you say," Dawnpaw smiled and ran off.

Stormpaw crouched where she was and stayed very silent. She looked up at the tree next to her. 'Ha. This tree has acorns right for the picking! And where there's a nut, there's a squirrel...' She heard a shuffling sound above her and she quietly clawed up the tree she was eyeing with great speed. 'Be the squirrel. Be the squirrel! I've got 'em now!' Stormpaw thought as she scuttled along the branch where the squirrel chewed on his nut. CRUNCH. 'Aww man' Stormpaw stepped a a small dead branch that then fell to the bottom of the forest. the squirrel, flying squirrel, glided of the branch. 'I've come too far to lose to you, squirrel!' Stormpaw continued to pursue the squirrel and jumped of the branch and onto the squirrel. She suddenly realized that she was falling. Stormpaw then stuck her back legs above her and bent the ones gripping the squirrel. It squealed. THUMP. The squealing stopped. "Thanks for breaking the fall meal!" Stormpaw licked her lips and winced at the pain the fall caused after she bent down to pick up the squirrel. 'I so totally beat Dawnpaw!'

Dawnpaw stared at the squirrel that was on the ground eating nuts that fell from the tree. She slowly moved towards it, crouching and getting ready to attack and stopped when she was in jumping range. As the squirrel finished eating the last acorn, she pounced and before her prey could respond, she bit its neck and killed it. She glanced around to see if any cat was coming by, and walked away, becoming one with the shadows of the early morning, her prey hanging in her mouth.

Following each others scents, they manage to meet up.

"Hey," Dawnpaw said after she placed her prey down.

"Hefphhefph my squirrefph ifph bibber." Stormpaw then placed her squirrel on the ground as well. "My squirrel is bigger, hehe."

"Its a flying one too. You okay?" She said as she looked at the squirrel's body. Dawnpaw glanced at Stormpaw's feet.

"My front legs hurt a bit from the shock but I'll be alright." Stormpaw answered.

"Alright, but make sure to tell Rosepool if it aches or worse. Let's go back, if I'm right with timing, the Dawn patrol will arrive back soon."

"Aw, crap you're right!" Stormpaw glanced at the rising sun. She then started to sprint back to camp. Dawnpaw grabbed the dead animals and rushed, catching up with Stormpaw. She then placed the prey on the prey pile, quietly and quickly, along with her sister, entered the Apprentice's den and laid back down, pretending to sleep.

"They're back, Dawnpaw." Stormpaw whispered with her eyes closed.

Dawnpaw replied, "Yea." as she heard quiet mews and footsteps.

Stormpaw mewed "Do-do we get up?"

"Wait a little longer, just a bit longer."

"Okaaaaay." Stormpaw sighed.

After about 5 minutes, the two she-cats got up and walked out of the Apprentice's Den once again. Expect, this time, there were cats awake and walking around. Dawnpaw and Stormpaw looked around and then saw both of their mentors walk out of the Deputy's Den and Warriors' Den.

"Hey guys!!" Stormpaw called to their mentors and waved her tail.

"Good morning, Nightfur, Lionclaw," Dawnpaw greeted as their mentors walked up to them.

"Hello, Dawnpaw, Stormpaw," Nightfur greeted back, smiling slightly.

"What are we doing today?" the orange colored she-cat questioned.

"Well, how about doing some hunting training?" Nightfur suggested, glancing at Lionclaw.

"Well, we pretty much know the basics but if you guys can teach us more then ok." Stormpaw giggled at Nightfur.

Nightfur turned his attention to Lionclaw, "Well, Lionclaw? What do you think?"

"Let's see what they got." Lionclaw answered.

"Alright. Let's go," Nightfur began walking out of the camp. Dawnpaw followed, staying next to him. Lionclaw nodded toward the exit at Stormpaw and headed in their direction. Stormpaw grinned and followed her mentor paw lengths away from him.

Dawnfire: We published another chapter!!!! -cheers in background- Yea...sorry for the wait. >~< Our schedules didn't really match up so yea... Ummm, I guess I hoped you enjoyed and hopefully we can put the next chapter up soon..? No promises tho. We usually get our plans set and BAM! One of us gets busy all of the sudden so yea...See Ya!
STORMHEART: please remember to vote for our story and add it to your reading list!!! Also, please comment on what you like, what we could do better, and/ or who your favorite character is so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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