The Beginning of their training

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After one Moon, the two she-kits and two tom kits were getting ready to find out who their trainers were going to be. They were both fidgeting near the High Rock, anxious for Bramblestar's speech to finish up so they could start training with whoever their mentor was going to be.

"Hey Dawnkit, who do you hope to get?" Stormkit whispered.

"I don't personally care, as long as they teach me I guess," Dawnkit whispered back. "Now, hush."

"I hope I get Lionclaw. He's always been a favorite of mine."

"Shh." Dawnkit whispered.

Stormkit's tail started to flick, "Or Bramblestar himself, that would be awesome!"

"Shhhhh," Dawnkit tried to silent Stormkit.

"Ohhhhhh," spoke stormkit who was getting excited, "I bet Squirrelflight would teach me some awesome skills."

"Be quiet!" Dawnkit was getting impatient.

"I wonder who the other kits want for their mentors," Lionclaw muttered as he heard the two she-kits chatter quietly.

As Dawnkit attempted to keep Stormkit quiet, the male kits sat there perfectly slient, the sun at its highest shining on them. Stormkit glances over to the tom kits and purred to Dawnkit,"Ohhhhhhhhh, They are cuuuuuuute!"

"Stormkit, be quiet or we will get into deep trouble!" Dawnkit hissed quietly, not looking at the tom kits.

"No, but seriously look at that one, I can't believe we never noticed them before." Stormkit nodded her nose in the direction of a slightly taller tom kit with a swirl of brown and a hint of orange on his fur. He also had fur climbing out of his ears and his tail was a slightly longer length than then other cats'. "What do you think our kits would look like?"

"..." Dawnkit stared and then glared at Sotrmkit, "Stop talking about things that are irrelevant to what we are doing right now. Be quiet."

"Oh, the one next to him looks purrfect for you," Stormkit giggled.

'Please....Bramblestar....HURRY!!!!' Dawnkit prayed and prayed fo his speech to be over so they could get to know their mentors and so Stormkit would stop chatting about the toms in front of them.

"Just look at how focused they are!" Stormkit's eyes sparkled, "me likey."

"Shh!" Spat Dawnkit.

"Don't shush me!" Stormkit growled in a loud whisper.

"Stormkit! Be quiet and listen!" Redtail growled into the two she-kits' ears, he was fed up with Stormkit's yapping. Stormkit simply stuck her tongue out and bobbed her head before turning to face Bramblestar's gaze as he announced the trainers.

"Okay, Stormkit," Bramblestar spoke.

"Umm......yes?" Stormkit asked trying to act natural.

"Lionclaw shall be your mentor, now get onto the High Rock and touch noses."

'YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!' Stormkit screamed in her head as she got up on the High Rock and touched noses with Lionclaw. After about 5 milliseconds, Lionclaw removed his nose casually and Stormkit tired her best to look normal but ended up jerking her head away about a second later.

"Now your name will be Stormpaw," Bramblestar announced. "Now, Dawnkit." Dawnkit smiled and waited for her Mentor to be announced. She got on her legs and looked up.

"Your mentor will be Nightfur. You may now touch noses." Dawnkit hopped up to where Nightfur was already sitting. They touched noses for a little longer than what Stormpaw and Lionclaw did. "Your new name shall be Dawnpaw." As they seperated, they made eye contact with eachother a little longer.

"Thunderkit." Stormpaw whispered speedily, "That's the one I like!"

"Hush, Stormpaw," Lionclaw growled.

"Sorry!" She whispered with respect. Dawnpaw rolled her eyes and then looked at Bramblestar.

"I shall be your mentor," Bramblestar said," and Redkit, Squirrelflight will be your mentor, you may now touch noses." Redpaw and Squirrelflight were the frist to touch noses then Bramblestar and Thunderpaw followed. "Clan meeting dismissed." The cats one by one began to leave to continue their duties while Stormpaw, Dawnpaw, and their mentors stayed by the High Rock.

"This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!" Stormpaw was frist to break the silence.

"Sis, shut that mouth," Dawnpaw glared at Stormpaw.

"I swear to StarClan, if you tell me to shut up one more time I'll make you crow food...."

"I don't care, you are way to loud." Dawnpaw glanced at her mentor, "Is there something we should do for ourselves?"

"Well, you could start by getting a new bed of moss and moving it to the apprentices' den" Nightfur replied.

"Okay. Should we go out of camp or just ask?"

"Here, why don't we just give you a tour," said Lionclaw. "That way you can pick up the moss on the way back."

"Okay!" Dawnpaw smiled.

"Yipppeeee!" Stormpaw cheered. The mentors serectly smiled.

"Let's go then." Nightfur said. They started heading towards the camp exit/entrance.

Stormpaw had a new bounce in her stroll that was filled with excitment and pride. Dawnpaw on the other hand, was calm and close minded as she walked, following her mentor silently. "Alright," Lionclaw spoke, "this is the border between us and WindClan."

"Mhm," Dawnfire nodded.

"Pla-ack," Stormpaw's nose twitched as she smelled the WindClan cats scent.

"That's rude, even if they are our enemies." Nightfur announced.

"They smell of fox dung." Dawnpaw stared at Stormpaw. Lionclaw was amused at the situation, "It's either them or there's a fox nearby which wouldn't surprise me."

"True, we should be careful either way. Come on, we are going to continue until we see or sense danger," Nightfur announced and ushered Dawnpaw to get next to him.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," Stormpaw smiled. Then in a more horrifying way she purred, "Danger...." Dawnpaw ignored Stormpaw and turned her attention to Nightfur.

"Okay, this is the line between ShadowClan and us," Nightfur placed his tail right before there was a marshy scent.

"Ewwww! Yep! They smell of crowfood that has been decomposing for too long." Stormpaw covered her nose with her tail, disgusted.

"Stormpaw," Nightfur hissed,"not so loud."

"Oh, wait. Maybe it's you." Stormpaw giggled. Lionclaw lousy attempt of a pokerface failed and he started to giggle along, "That's not very respectful.... but nice comeback." He smiled as Stormpaw held her head high with pride, "Just don't do it again." Lionclaw smiled. Stormpaw grinned at this and said," I won't make any promises." Lionclaw chuckled and then nodded.

"Well, it seems like you two are doing well with your mentors, Stormpaw, Dawnpaw," A she-cat's voice rung into the forest air.

"Hello~....." Stormpaw's voice trailed off in confusion as she looked for the beholder of the voice.

"Flowerheart........?" Dawnpaw questioned. Flowerheart jumped out of the bushes next to them followed by Redtail.

"....." Stormpaw stood there blankly and emotionless.

"Redtail, Flowerheart, why are you two here?" Nightfur asked.

"Yeah, really what are you doing here?" Stormpaw question for she was confused once more.

"Bramblestar wanted us to patrol along with Squirrelflight, we finshed so we are waiting for her, she's a few paces behind. Then we heard you," Flowerheart replied.

"Hey!!" another she-cat screamed and you could hear her claws tearing up clumps of grass and dirt.

NOTE: Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since our last chapter me and dawn have been busy working on other things. We are starting on the next chapter as you read this note thanks for the support we really appreciate it! P.s. it's Stormheart!

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