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Lena's house wasn't much different from mine. A main room and a small bathroom along with a kitchen alcove in one corner. Homes here in the slums were anything but fancy, but the fact that I'd gone over the years from growing up in a massive palatial estate in the ritziest part of the Sector 5 plate to living in a small one-room shack down here in the slums amidst the dirt and pollution didn't really bother me. My friends and neighbors, the people I helped and who helped me, were what was really important. And I loved my little home.

"Jessie!" Lena smiled.

She was sitting up in bed, still a bit flushed but looking a lot better than the last time I'd seen her. I went over and gave her a gentle hug for a moment, then sat down next to her on the cot Biggs must've brought in to sleep on during his time here. Flowers and cards—no doubt from the kids at the Leaf House, where she'd always cared for them like a big sister—sat on her dresser nearby.

"Hey there!" I grinned, happy to see my friend.

Lena laughed. "Hi! I've missed you!"

I held her hand. "Same here, Lena. How are you feeling?"

"A little better," she said. She coughed for a moment, then went on. "It's just taking time for all the mako that got into my system to get out again. I was stuck in that stuff for hours out on the expressway. It burns a little whenever I breathe too deeply, and I still feel weak at times. So I have to rest a lot. But I'm glad to be home."

I didn't doubt it. "You'll be fine, don't worry."

She nodded. "Yeah. I move around and exercise every day, and the medicine and herbs Elmyra and Dr. Morris gave me have really helped, though they can't do much for my mako sensitivity itself. I don't know if there's anything that can, really."

"The Vice gang giving you any trouble?" I asked.

Biggs shook his head. "Not so far, Jessie. Things've been quiet here. Got a message from Wedge earlier, said you were pretty busy last night. Didn't go into detail since he was on his way to do his patrols, but he'll fill me in later. Anything you wanna tell me?"

I chuckled. "Better you hear it from him, Biggs. I've already gotten one lecture today. I'll save yours for later."

"Fair enough," he grinned.

"Speaking of which, can you give us a moment alone?" I said. "Just have some girl stuff to talk about."

Biggs ran a hand through his short, unruly black hair. "Sure, Jessie. I'll just leave you ladies to it. Holler if ya need anything. I'll just hop in the shower. Could use another one anyway."

Lena giggled. "You sure could!"

"Funny, sis," he smirked. "Very funny..."

Then he slipped into the bathroom with a little wave. Lena actually had a door for it, I was amused to see. Once Biggs had closed it behind him, I turned back to Lena. She knew well enough exactly what was on my mind and what I wanted to talk to her about, and although she was on the mend on the outside, the pain of all she'd gone through was still there. I saw it reflected in her hazel eyes.

In spite of it, Lena gave me a little smile. "Don't worry, Jessie. I'll be alright. It's hard to think about... what happened to me... but Elmyra's been helping me work through it. We talk, I cry, she holds me. It'll take a while, but... I'll be okay. I just need time."

"I know," I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "And I'm glad to hear it. Been worried about ya. And I heard you've been worst-casing it over me, too. Just like your brother."

She laughed. "Yeah. Guilty as charged. You told me what you were gonna do. And speaking of that, did you...?"

"I did," I nodded. "I got the chip back, Lena. Just last night. I tested it out this morning and it works. And... I also nailed the assholes who raped you. Every last one, including Dorian. Gave them all a good view of my raspberries up close and very personal."

Final Fantasy VII: Reflections - Book 2: AscentWhere stories live. Discover now