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After a few more hours, we headed back upstairs for lunch. As Tifa and Marlene went behind the bar, Biggs and I sat at one of the tables. I chatted with him for a bit, my head feeling a lot better now, although it still stung a bit if I touched it. But a good night's sleep later would help it heal well enough. So I didn't worry about it too much. Biggs watched me closely, his eyes wandering to my bandage every now and then, but he didn't say anything else about the close call I'd had last night. I knew he'd still worry, though. Just like always.

The aromas of Tifa's cooking were starting to tease our noses when Wedge walked through the doors, right on time and grinning eagerly. I laughed and waved, not a bit surprised, and he came right over to join us. Then my heart skipped a beat when Cloud came in a moment later. He nodded to us, then had a seat at the bar. I gazed lovingly at him and forgot all about the faint throbbing in my head. I lost track of what the guys were saying, too. All I knew was Cloud.

"Jessie," Biggs tapped my shoulder.

When he did, I nearly jumped out of my seat. "Oh! What?"

He grinned. "You like him, don'tcha?"

"Huh?" I blinked.

"The merc," Biggs chuckled. "You look at him the same way Wedge looks at a slice of Tifa's double chocolate cake."

I stared at him. "Biggs!"

"Well, you do," Wedge teased. "Not hard to see, you know."

"Breathe a word about it to him or to anyone else and I'll kick both your asses!" I whispered, blushing furiously. Then I smirked. "And also tell Tifa and Lena about how you guys feel about them. Bet they'd find that really interesting, wouldn't you say?"

Wedge blinked. "Huh!? Uh, well... nevermind."

Biggs loosened his collar. "Yeah, what he said. Just, um... go ahead and forget we brought up it up, alright?"

"Brought what up?" Tifa asked as she came over.

"N-Nothing!" he insisted, his own cheeks turning pink.

I giggled as Tifa handed me a drink. "Right!"

"Well then, are you guys ready to eat?" she laughed, setting drinks down in front Biggs and Wedge, too.

"Oh, yeah!" Wedge replied, rubbing his hands together.

Tifa smiled, then headed behind the bar. As she did, I looked over at Cloud again and had an idea. When she brought him his food just a few minutes later and then gave us ours, I leaned back in my chair and beckoned to him with a sweep of my arm.

"Cloud, come join us!" I called. "It'll be fun!"

"Not interested," he said.

I winked, not a bit surprised. "Thought you'd say that."

Picking up my plate and glass, I went over to the bar and had a seat on the stool next to Cloud, setting my things down in front of me. As I did, Biggs and Wedge stared at me for a moment, looked at each other in amusement, then shrugged and went back to their plates. I giggled a little as I gazed fondly at my friends, realizing I should've known they'd figure out how I felt about Cloud before long. I hadn't really hid it very well, and I was surprised Tifa hadn't caught on yet.

"Not eating with your friends?" he asked as I looked at him.

I shook my head and smirked as I dug into my lunch. "They'll live. I just thought you might like some company, no matter what you said. No one should have to eat alone."

He sipped his drink. "Guess you can stay."

"I feel honored!" I grinned. "So anyway, I'm gonna work on getting those passcodes after lunch. Wanna watch?"

Final Fantasy VII: Reflections - Book 2: AscentWhere stories live. Discover now