Yandere Deimos X Reader

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Structure : Oneshot
Type : Yandere
Word count : 813

Deimos, how can you begin to describe him?

Sanford says he's the best pal ever, a great hacker and also a guy who doesn't last five seconds without a cigarette in his mouth and Hank and 2BD don't really care or hold an opinion on him

But what did you think of him?

You've been thinking about an answer to that question for a long time actually, you had mixed thoughts and feelings about the guy,
You saw him as a friend on one side, pulling jokes and just having a jolly old time together
On the other hand he was the perfect boyfriend for you, not counting his smoking addiction

"Hey? Y/N?"

You were snapped out of your thoughts by your friend Oledei (yes I'm adding myself here shhh alright) waving her hand in front of your face

"Ah, sorry, what were you saying?"
"I was talking about uh, that smoker guy....he seems to be everywhere you go"

You raised a brow confused, looking at the short brown haired girl beside you, who suddenly looked terrified whilst pointing to an alleyway, and as you turned your head to see what's up, you didn't see anyone, but a faint trial of smoke that dispersed in the air to leave no evidence of it being there

"Come on, it's just probably another creep or someone from the upstairs apartment threw a cig in a puddle"

You managed to calm her down, and you enjoyed the rest of your stay in the park with her till it got late and you both went to your separate homes

Little did you know you were oh so wrong about the smoke in the alley

Deimos had in fact been there, watching every move you made with your little friend, he had grown jealous of the girl for stealing the time he could have spent with you, and it made him angry, oh so very angry...

You arrived home, it was pitch black outside and pin-drop silence filled the entire house, having bad feeling about this you decided not to fuck around, grabbing your gun and running through each room to make sure no crazy killer clown tiky was in your house.
You managed to clear most of them after half an hour....
But one remained

Your bedroom of course, the safest place in the house, or so you thought,
You walked up the stairs and into the room, locking the door behind you, your first mistake, then you put your gun down on the nightstand and layed down on your bed, closing your eyes and sighing, another mistake, and you soon found out why those were mistakes

You felt the weight shift a little on the bed, your eyes shot open and to your surprise you were met with Deimos straddling your lap (get your head out the gutter I know what you were thinking) and with his hands at either side of your head, you were trapped beneath him like if you were in a small cage and the tension in the air increased by the second

"...Deimos? What are you doing here? How did you-"
"Now now darling, no need to panic"

His rough voice poured out of his mouth, and unlike he suggested, this was a situation you should panic in, and so you did, first attempting to kick him away which to both yours and his surprise it actually worked, the hacker tumbled off  the bed and hit his head on the floor, stunning him for a moment and giving you enough time to get up and unlock the door, but even that ate away at what little time you had to escape

You locked yourself in the bathroom, as running out of the house was absolutely insane and you can't stay in the same room after your 'friend' appeared in your house out of nowhere
You flicked the lights off and hid within a small, wooden box you would use for dirty laundry if you had any at the moment

And you sat there in silence, you heard Deimos get up with a growl and start to kick down every door in the house

"Not here" "no definitely not here what was i thinking" "huh? Good hiding spot but no"

And so he went on, commenting on every room till he appeared at the bathroom, you heard a deep chuckle erupting from his throat

"Oh darling, you should know better than this..."

A solid three kicks and the door was nothing but broken pieces of wood that crackled beneath his feet as his footsteps grew closer to you, the smell of cigarettes also getting stronger, then the footsteps stopped

"...no, not here either......."
"heh, just kiddin"

The lid to the basket was lifted in an instant and a very happy Deimos with a red mark on his face greeted your terrified expression with one full of happiness

"There you are~"

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