Sanford x Reader x Deimos

655 21 6

Structure : Oneshot
Type : Fluff
Word count : 414 

" Deimos, god damn it at least pass me the disinfectant spray "

Sanford frowned, turning his head in the direction of the smoking hacker man who rolled his eyes and tossed a small white spray bottle to the man kneeling in front you before putting his cigarette back in his lips

" thanks.... "

Sanford shook his head and sprayed some of the contents of the bottle onto a burn mark you had on your leg, making you hiss in pain, causing your two lovers wince at how uncomfortable you were at that moment

Deimos threw his cig out the window, into a muddy puddle before walking over to you and Sanford, he crouched down and held your smaller hand in his rougher one, yet he was so gentle with you, your heart nearly melted

" you'll be alright chuckle-head"
"yo that's my line"
"yea yea don't worry about the details big guy"

their childish bickering made you giggle, how lucky you were to be dating two of the most powerful and beautiful people in Nevada, especially at a time like this, you couldn't thank them enough for accepting your feelings for them

" alright, this may hurt a bit.... again.... sorry sunshine "

Sanford gave you a reassuring smile before tightening the bandages over your wound, making you slightly whimper and tighten your grip on Deimos' hand

A few minutes later your wounds were all patched up and you three were ready to roll
Then something unexpected happened, once you stood up Deimos tacked you and Sanford into a hug, which both of you gladly returned and you stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes more till the tallest of you all, Sanford, picked up both you and Deimos, you were resting on his right arm while Deimos was on his left

And so begun the small journey to Sanford's bedroom, the gentle giant placed you and Dei on his bed before plopping down between you two and pulling you in for a well deserved cuddle session

About 30 minutes later Sanford was sleeping like a baby while you shifted slightly in his grasp, Deimos noticing this huddled you closer

"hey N/N (nickname)"
"yes Deim?"
"will a song help?"
"with what?"
"with sleeping, dumbass"

He chucked, shaking his head as you awkwardly smiled and nodded

"Aight, Imma sound like a dying can but it's the best I can do sweetheart"

and so he sung you to sleep
(this song makes me cry every time I hear it, it's beautiful)

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