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"One... two... three..." Kirishima started counting.

"y/n..... I wanna play truth or dare not hide and seek." Mina whines.

"Oh my gosh! We can play that later, but come on we need to hide!!" I say pulling Mina's arm.

Mina and I ran towards the forest on the outskirts of the playground.

"Ok let's split! We have a better chance of winning this way." Mina whisper shouts.

"Ok ok!" I say jumping in hiding behind a giant tree.

I will have a better chance at winning if I climb up the tree, I think to myself.

I begin climbing the tree trying to be as careful and quiet as possible because I am not quite sure if Kiri is on the run yet, coming to try and find us. I made it up successfully without falling and hurting myself, though I kind of forgot I am terrified of heights and bugs... and bugs are all that covers this tree, I mean as well as bark and leaves but still I have to climb up high enough so I can't just get spotted straight away. It is ok. I am a big girl and I can overcome the fear of bugs.

As the minutes' pass, I start to feel paranoid and I am not quite sure why. I feel as if all my senses are heightened. I am uncomfortable like my skin is crawling. Something isn't good.

I can hear breathing coming from behind me.

Which confirms my anxiety within me as it is reaching higher limits that have never been reached. My heartbeat spikes. I don't know what to do. Dad told me to run in these situations when a stranger gets too close or if I feel unsafe. But I am stuck high up in a tree. I can't run.

Is it a villain? 

Maybe it's Kiri?! It doesn't sound or feel like him. 

No... please no, is this villain going to kill me? I don't want to die.

"Hey pretty. The boss told me to fetch you, so sorry about this." I hear a horrifyingly deep and hoarse voice coming from behind me.

Without much other than a second thought, "AHHHH!" I scream bloody murder.

Scared out of my mind I turn around and kick and scream and flail. But I feel someone grab me by the waist and put a piece of cloth to my mouth and from there everything went black.

Beep. beep.





All I can see is black.

My body is screaming in pain but when I try to scream nothing comes out.

Am I paralysed?


Is this it for me?

Please someone help me.

I am too young.

I need to see dad one more time.


Someone pulls my eyelids open. I see a figure above me waving and smiling... Where are his eyes? Where am I...?

"I am just a quirkless kid, what do you want from me?" A shocking scream leaves my throat.

Dad had warned me that in school I would be bullied because I was the unlucky kid born without a quirk. But never warned me that I would be preyed upon by villains... let alone him.

"Oh sweetie... just wait, you will be perfect because of the way I created you." The strange man above me pats my head, then pulls his hand back and collides it with my head.

A sickening crack can be heard then... darkness

"FUCK!" I scream flying up right from my lying position where I was sleeping.

"It was just a nightmare..." I say pulling my knees to my chest.

"Deep breaths.... It's ok y/n. You are safe."

That was a flashback from the beginning of middle school. The worst moments of my life.

From being told I will never be like other kids because I was born without a quirk. Then only a year later being kidnapped and then somehow gaining two very powerful quirks... two quirks that aren't made for my body.

I can't remember what happened those few days. But I know whatever happened to me that day from the flashback is why I have my quirks. So many tests and procedures were done on me to try and find a quirk in me somehow but I was told multiple times it was never going to happen but I can't let others know that. I am not allowed to. All because of my father.

All I know is that I was kidnapped from the playground. The man who took me that day, the man's voice I heard before getting drugged, he was never found. Actually, no one who was involved with that day was found. That's because no one knows. I was found because I was thrown back into the very park I was taken from. At least that's what they tell me.

If I am going, to be honest, I have no memory or recollection of what happened to me. All I have is scars and two quirks.

After that, I was taken to the hospital and then when I woke up finally, I woke up alone. My father only turned up once to the hospital and that was to confirm my identity, then didn't show his face until I needed to be picked up. Those days I held my father in such high regard, I believe the words that he uttered to me was because he actually cared. No, silly little me didn't realise he actually despised that his only child wasn't even capable of holding her own natural quirk. Anyways, I have come to the realisation that I will most likely never know the events of those days. It's just a piece of me that has been lost into the universe. I am just left with the trauma and two unwanted 'gifts'.

After that I never finished the rest of middle school and I was never really the same. And now here I am.

Oh. right forgot to mention my father basically sold me to the Hero HQ. I don't even think sold is the right word. But I have been training with the HQ since my incident because they were unsure how stable I was and at that point, no one knew what my quirks were and if they were dangerous or really even if they were quirks at all. Meaning I grew up alongside heroes all my life. So, it's a given that I will become a hero.

Even if I am not sure that I want to be one. I really don't believe in the means and values of them. It's all kind of bullshit in my eyes. But I don't have a choice, because my life is not mine. I realised this a while ago, I am here because my father wants power and fame and I am just his toy. He doesn't love me.

Ever since then I don't think I have felt true happiness or love. But that's ok, because maybe eventually I will.

I am still going to live my life to the fullest I can because at this point who gives a fuck. I am strong, I am pretty, I wouldn't say I am the smartest but I am here and I have no one trying to stop me. And if my father tries to step in, he won't be able to control me this time because I am not under his control anymore.

My life is chaos.

But I make it an organised chaos.

a/n ~ story does not follow the line of events in the anime or manga... things take their own turns

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