chapter two

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This is gonna be a lot of effort.

The thing is, there is no ulterior motive to this. Like there is no catch to anything, the HQ wants me to go to school and be a typical teenager. Which could be more apparent. I have been doing hero work for a while and doing things that are very much things I should not be doing at my age. I am a year and a half older than the other students. But still... I have kind of been exploited.

I don't remember how to be accepted- Ok, that makes me sound like one of those 'qUiRKy' girls. I just need to remember how to be social around people my age. It will put me in some awkward situations, and that is what I am already preparing myself for.

I also have to move. I only have a little stuff that needs to be moved, which is the issue. Apparently, there was some villain attack, and people think the students in the class are targets of the League of Villains. And the school thought in the best interest of the students, and for their safety, they were to move them onto campus.

I need to make myself look like an average person, so Akira has bought me some things to make my new dorm room feel like a 'home'. I will be moving in tomorrow during class time, so I will be able to settle down and ease my way into everything.

God. I am lowkey dramatic.

But I will admit the dorm will be better than this plain old room with a singular window. But everything else is tomorrow's issue.

"Welcome, miss y/n l/n, to UA High!" Alright, I am not trying to be rude, but I am so confused. A little rat mouse thing comes down the entranceway of UA High.

"Hi!" Akira cuts in before I say anything. "Principle Nezu, how are you!"

I am not the type to judge, but in my circumstances, I am perplexed. That's the principal of this school. He is a rat. No, sorry, actually, he is a talking rat. What the actual fuck. I could kick him. So being a little judgy is pretty decent. Unless he can read my mind....

Not going to think about that.

Fuckkkk I haven't been paying attention to anything being said right now. Whoops. Akira told me to listen and be on my best behaviour. She is acting like my mother when really we are work colleagues. Well, something like that. She is more like a mentor. This woman is the closest thing I have to a role model.

I haven't looked up to pro heroes like children are meant to. My dad always talked terribly or down on other heroes in his field. So I rejected them as well, trying to give me and my father even ground, to make him notice me. Yea, it didn't work. I am now not a fan of heroes. I don't hate them. I don't love them. I am just indifferent is the best way to put it. And as of now, I am walking through the hallways surrounded by mostly students that are wannabe heroes. Or at least have something to do with them.

Akira explained to me that I have to be enthusiastic. Put in a good word for the HQ, and convince other students it's the place they wanna be. I will probably forget to do that altogether. I'll be too focused on homework and assignments. Doing actual schoolwork.

I hate deadlines.

They are suffocating. As suffocated as I feel right now.

"Last but not least, this is your homeroom. Where you will meet every morning, all of the classes break off from her. This is where all of your friends will be made!" The teacher squeaks from below me.



I wasn't paying attention.

For the entire tour. Fuck, this shit is really throwing me off.

I am screwed. Royally screwed.

"There are going to be a lot of people here." I let out a nervous chuckle and entered through the door with a sign hanging above it labelled '1A' "Thank you for your time, sir. I appreciate it greatly," I look at the numerous desks.

"For what you are used to, yes, there will be. But you aren't the only one starting afresh. Come tomorrow. So don't be too nervous. In terms of your hero work, if you are called for work outside of normal school hours and it doesn't affect any extra activities, you can continue them as required. But come to each end of the mission, you will need to report back to your homeroom teacher and new legal guardian." The serious tone has me a little worried. I am glad to be able to continue my hero work, but this just seems to come with consequences or a catch. I don't know how to explain it, "and under any means necessary you will not get any other student involved. You are to keep your hero identity a secret. You are not a hero capable of keeping the lives of your peers alive. Mr Aizawa will go through the terms of it all in-depth."

Ahh~ that's the catch. The school doesn't agree with me continuing my hero work. Probably for the safety of the other students. But why does he seem so pissed? I side-eye Akira, not understanding the sudden hostility. She speaks up for me, "you may disagree with y/n being here, but she is now your student. You WILL treat her the same as any other student."

"We have already bent the rules for this one." The teacher of class 1B says, "she has already got special treatment. All because she is under the Hero Headquarters."

Running my hands through my hair, I look from Akira to the two teachers, "bloody hell! What the fuck is with the attitude. If it is that much of an issue, then why the hell am I here? In all honesty, if this is how the teachers will treat me here, then I am done."

The two teachers just stare, not uttering a word. I roll my eyes and spin around. The dialling tone rang in my ear. "y/n?"

"Sorry, sir, I am going to need a new mission. This one ain't going to work out." I explain to my boss, pausing when I reach the window.

It's one of the third-year dorm rooms. They are all sitting outside on the grass, having a picnic. They are bringing food and drinks out. They are laughing. One of them is using their quirk to light up the area. Something hits the bottom of my stomach. It's a feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. Longingly. Mixed probably with a hint of jealousy. I got so distracted that I hadn't realised the two teachers had apologised for coming off the wrong way. Akira scolded me for disturbing the boss and acting out. "Nevermind, boss. Sorry, guess I am just losing my nerve in a new environment."

"That is ok, y/n. The Hero Headquarters and Hero Commission have recently been at odds with the school. For safety reasons and other boring relations." He sighed, "you have done nothing wrong, kid."

The clicking noise from the phone brings me back to reality. "Are we done with the tour?"

"Yes, we are Miss y/n." The tiny principle responds.

"Ok. Are you able to show me to the dorms? I am exhausted from today." I say, stretching, trying to light up the accidental bad mood I caused.

"Of course! Just this way. We have already sent your bags and other requested luggage to the room."

After a short walk, we made it to the dorms. The building is massive. And at the sight of it, my head whirls with too many funny feelings.

Ahh, well. This is it.

An introduction to the next couple of my life.

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