chapter one

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"YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE! I WANT TO PROVE TO THE LEAGUE I AM WORTHY OF JOINING THEM!!!" A villain starts screaming and sprinting towards a shopping mall.

"SPIRIT!" A prohero yells towards me.

"ALREADY ON IT!" I shout back.

Running through a herd of bystanders I take a short cut so I am going to cut through straight into the mall directly across from where the villain is taking his entry.

"Spirit, do you copy?" I hear a voice come through my earpiece.

"Copy." I keep my responses short to conserve my breath.

"Great. The villain's quirk allows him to create weapons from his bone from any part of his body. So stay on guard."

"Got it." Heh, a perfect match for me, I think to myself.

"Does anyone have eyes on the villain?" Another voice comes through the earpiece, this one broadcasting to all the proheros on this mission.

"Yes. He is about to enter through to the mall on the east side."

"I am already positioned in the mall, across from the east entrance. I can take care of him. I request back to my position and not to interfere until I signal."

"Understood." a bunch of responses come through.

There he is.

I watch as bone breaks through the skin of his arms and back. "HAHAHA! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT YOU!"

He threw his body at a young family, seeming to be aiming to impale them. Throwing myself at him I activate ghost mode and grab him by the ankle. His body falls straight through the family without harming them.

"WHAT!" He stares straight at me to where I am holding him by the ankle. "WHAT THE FUCK. LET GO OF ME YOU BITCH!"

He started thrashing his legs around. I held a tight grip not letting go. I watch as a sharp piece of bone breaks straight through the bottom of his shoe attempting to stab me.

"Love that isn't going to work." I groan, completely annoyed at his childish behaviour. He is older than me. He is dumb.

"AHHHH!" He screams.

Getting on my knees I pull his body towards me, deactivating ghost mode, I reach around to grab the knife that is sitting on my hip. A fist collides with my chin sending me flying backwards.

"WHO DO YOU THINK I AM?" He screeches, making a b-line straight towards me. Bones sticking out from every part of his body. Fuck.

Closing my eyes I focused my mind on the second-floor railing. Ghost mode activated.

Opening my eyes back up to see I had made the right decision during the right time. Turning my head to the side I can see the proheros and the fact that they are sprinting towards me. I did not signal for them, can't people bloody listen.

Gah. it doesn't matter anyway. I have taken care of it anyways.

With ghost activated, the man who threw his body covered with spikes went straight through me without a scratch. This causes him to become stuck, lodged into the ground. With him flustered with frustration I teleport to the second floor and launch myself onto the villains back. Grabbing his arms, I latch them together with handcuffs. The villain had deactivated his quirk to be able to get himself out of the ground which gave me the opening I needed.

I roll over to the side so I could deactivate ghost mode safely. Checking that the handcuffs are safely secured around the villain's arms, I activate the quirk cancelling technology with my thumbprint.

organised chaos. (bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now