Fixing the broken part 10: Chris Evans

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Note: I didn't write this, credits to the writer

Summary: People say that time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worst. You've been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you've decided that you've had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn't want to let you go; he doesn't want to give up on your marriage.

Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken?

Warning: Angst *a lot*


It's healthy to admit you're not ok,

Jessie J

You hated the feeling of suspense that was habiting you. Your eyes were focused on Chris, analyzing his entire body expression.

It had only been a few seconds since you'd asked him if he still wanted children, but for you, it felt like an eternity.

"Well?" You repeated what Chris said

Chris opened his mouth. You thought that he was about to end your suffering, but he said nothing. You really hoped that the answer to your question would be something like 'of course, Y/N, of course, I want to have children with you, but apparently, you were wrong.

"Oh my God," you said in one breath, realizing he was not going to say what you wanted to hear.

Tears starting to fill your eyes, and you got out of the car, still under the shock. Chris followed you inside the house, still quiet.

You were living your worst nightmare, and the part you couldn't bear was that your mother may have been right.

"Y/N, common, let's talk."

You suddenly turned back to face him; your face twisted with pain. "What do you want to talk about? I asked you a question, and your silence answered it for you."

"Y/N, I'm not saying I don't want children, common. I'm just saying we can have this discussion later."

You frowned. "Later? What does it even mean? We've been married for five years, Chris! When exactly is later?"

Your husband seemed shocked by your reaction. You, too, were shocked. You definitely didn't expect that turn of events.

"It's your mother talking now. Yesterday, the thought of having kids didn't even cross your mind. Now you're overreacting because what? I can't give you a date?"

That's where he was wrong. Your mother may have opened the topic today, but it was on your mind for a long time now. Your mother just hit where she knew it would hurt the most.

"I've thought about it. I've thought about it a lot Chris. I'm just surprised you haven't," You said

Chris looked at you without saying anything. His eyes were searching yours as if he was looking for answers to understand what was happening.

The silence between Chris and you got broken by a phone call. He gave you a sorry look before taking it.

You took a deep breath as soon as he left the room. You got yourself comfortable on the couch, gently petting Dodger after he rested his head on your lap.

You kept thinking about everything your mother said, and you started to question everything. Maybe she was right. Maybe you were really trying to ruin your life. Things were good before you brought the kids topic; maybe you should drop it.

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