Chapter 4: The Masks

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I woke up in a bed in a small room, it felt isolated, no windows either. I sat up looking around spotting a camera, I soon looked back down at my bed seeing a red suit with a black mask, I was about to pick it up until I heard a voice.

"Welcome Workers! There is 345 of you, today is your first day on the job, please follow the rules I will provide in just a moment."

It sounded like a woman's voice, but it could just be a recording, I stood up and looked around. I saw paper with jobs on and my name was by one of the jobs, game kill?..., I was confused but heard the voice again.

"Please wash your hands and face then slide into the suit you where provided, after you do that gently place the mask over your head covering your face, there should be a shape on your mask if there isn't please let another member of staff know."

I washed my hands and face then put the suit on, after I did that I picked up my mask, there was a shape on it, a triangle?.., I put it on my head and waited, I noticed a timer on the wall that said "00:00" I was wondering what it was for.

"Great, you do this every morning until games are gone, we expect you not take your mask off until your work is done. Do not let players know your identity or you will die, please pick up your papers and leave your room."

My eyes widened when I heard death, I picked up the piece of paper and left the room and stood outside, I looked around and I saw loads of people in the same suit same mask and same shape, then I heard the voice again.

"Welcome to the game workers!, please head to your base on the piece of paper, I will read out where you should go, number 1 downstairs in burning room, number 2"

The recording of the voice made panic a little as she was coming towards my number soon, I was wondering what these stations where.

"Number 29, you are in players room"

It had finally said all numbers and I was less panicked, but then it was explaining the masks,

"You're all recognised as triangle, if you see a circle you can control there actions as they are lower then you, but if you see a square, you have to follow there rules."

This all made sense now, we are workers who take care of the players while the game is getting ready, I noticed another worker was staring at me, he had a rip on his pants.

"All workers please head to your stations, thank you"

We lined up in single file and walked to our stations, I walked through my door and saw all the players in there beds confused. I looked to my right and saw the same guy staring at me, I wanted to tell him off so badly but the rules said I couldn't talk unless spoken to.

I looked up and there was a big bowel, filled with money already, so players get money to, but how does it fill up?, I realised in games you can get eliminated. If we die for showing our faces, do they die for being eliminated? My thoughts where stopped by the voice.

"players, the first game will start in 10 minutes"

I took a deep breath watching the timer go down, it was already at 5 minutes. I was panicked still but stood up straight and waited.

•End Of Chapter 4•

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