Chapter Two

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Anne's Pov
Dear Kitty
I've found some paper and a scrap of pencil in this camp.. The pages aren't as clean as the ones in my diary.. Even still I refuse to let my writing fall short.... Plus kitty you are my last little bit of sanity since the pass of Margot...The guards are taking big lumps of people to lord knows where and we never see them return.. As for Mrs.Van Dann we had been split up for quite some time now... I am now in Bergen Belsen and Mrs.Van Dan is somewhere else..I believe she was still at the old camp and I hope that she was still living ...But knowing Mrs.Van Dann she's probably not alive without her materialistic things. And now it is time for me to hide you the guards will be here soon with my meal and I can't risk losing you.
"Number A-5222."The female yells she was in charge of our bunk. A very nice lady who always gave me a little bit of her food. She believes that I am getting sick with the same disease as Margot. Yes I haven't been feeling like myself lately but me having couldn't be I had made promises and obligations to Peter and Pim....That I will complete. 
"Yes."I reply weakly standing from the bunk.
"They're cutting your food but here." She says handing me a plate with a half of piece of bread. A half of piece of bread .. We barely get food here and they cut mine down..
"Why would they cut my food down?" I questioned eyebrows knitted.
They can't do this they can't treat us like this cutting down our food and everything.
"Because you're dying."she says looking down at me warningly with no expression on her face.
"And how do they know that...I'm perfectly fine and not weak at all."I say even though I probably shouldn't say that in front of the guards.....The guards might torment or torture me if they heard me saying these things...But I don't really care at this point.. I feel extremely week and I know I'm sick but I need all the food I can get.
"Listen kid I'm doing what they want me to do ....I don't want to end up in the gas chamber."She says with the same warning expression  I don't bother to argue when I see the guards walking towards me.
Heartless people they are we sleep in tents we take showers in front of other people there's no privacy.... We have nature and the swings and things of that sort but what good is that if most of us are getting sick with typhus from the dust. Sometimes I began to miss our days of captivity and yes there was not nature or outdoors but there was still that security.. Waking up knowing that your the slightest bit of as safe or knowing that you still have family just sleeping in the other room...Or better yet me and Peters wonderful talks if I could go back to that it would be amazing..
I sit at the gate waiting for Jopie to appear on the other side we usually eat lunch and talk to each other through the gate.
"Jopie!!!"I say as she approaches the gate.
"Anne how are you word is you have typhus."Jopie says and I sigh everyone believes that. I am a little under the weather but not with typhus.
"I've heard that too Jopie." I sigh again "I'm not sure if it's true or not I do feel under the weather."
"It's probably nothing."Jopie replies eating a piece of her bread as if she hadn't ate in days. "The guards around here have been asking about you...I'm not sure why but I think Pim is paying them to take messages back and forth."
"Really Jopie, can you tell the guards next time you talk to them to tell Peter I miss his and I talks?"I ask.
"I'll try Anne no promises ."Jopie says standing.
"I'm fine with that jop." I say standing as well.
"I'll see you soon yeah same time tomorrow?"Jopie asked.
"You know it Jopie."I say and walk away back to my bunk for a small slumber.
Jopie was my only friend here and I knew many people here but there nothing like being reunited with and old friend. A old friend who a couple of months ago I believe to be gone .. But I guess this gave us a time to start over our friendship.
Peter POV
"Did you hear??"
I was laying on my bunk something I did offend ...what else was there to do??
"Hear what?" The idiot next to me happened to be a loud talker when in conversation with another bunk member.
"Number A-538 has passed away dead on his bunk untouched by the guards."
Number A-538 sounded all to familiar it had to be someone who came in at the same time as me considering I'm number A-537.
But who??Mr.frank slept above me so it couldn't be him.
"I need some winter clothes lets go over there and see what he was wearing."
Reality seat in that I came in here with two other males Mr.frank and my father. I began to tremble as my face falls into a straight line.
"Mr.Frank ?? Are you awoke I have a question that need and answer." I tell him as I pat on the wood above me. I was impatient I needed to know was it him ...My own father who I haven't seen while roaming the camps.
"Yes Peter A-538 is your father." Mr.Frank starts trying to comfort me with his soft voice. His attempt was a fail, I was hurting inside...My father brought a great deal of shame on me I know that but he was still my father...You only get one father ..
My body is shaking a small tear streams down my cheek slowly. I am a man I'm not supposed to cry...But this was a moment where I would bend the rules..
This was a moment where I wished I had a religion.
"Peter I'm sorry for your.." I cut Mr.Frank off.
"Don't okay just don't say your sorry or that everything will be okay because we both know that the same fate lies for us both."I yell as another tear spills from my eyes.
"It doesn't have to be that way if you believe."Mr.frank replies hoping down from his bunk and sitting next to me.
"Believe in what?? Huh God?? I don't even know if he's real or if there's and after life ."I say my tears stopping abruptly as anger flooded over me.
I have a temper I know I do look at the amount of times me and dussel almost got into a fight.
"Peter do you really want to question your fate right now?" Mr. Frank asked "You're  already mourning your fathers death do you really want to think of that also."
"He wasn't the best father and he wasn't as good as you when it came down to school but he was all I had left in this camp Mr. Frank."I say Mr. Frank pulls me into a tight comforting embrace. I might as well join the march there no family left for me my father is gone who is left?
" I know son I know."Mr.frank says patting my back as I cry on his shoulder. "But this won't be our end you'll have to keep going."
"For what?"I ask pulling away from his warm embrace whipping my wet face... I felt like I had just been out in the rain.
"For that daughter of mine that you adore."Mr.Frank says grinning.
Anne was something to live for ....Something that I was to live for.

-Ariah (:

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