Chapter Seven.

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Anne's POV.

A date! A date. I'm so happy and glad. But seeing Pim? I was at a loss for words. I began crying, I was so happy to see him. Peter and him both make me the happiest, and right now ... I need them the most to cheer me up in this sad time. Miep smiled at me, handing me a tissue as Pim and I broke from our hug.

''So I hear you two are going out on your first date!'' Miep exclaims, clapping her hands together.

Peter and I both turn bright red, but grin widely. ''Yes, we are,'' Peter says. ''If that's okay with you, Mr. Frank?''

''It's fine with me,'' Mr. Frank says, ''as long as you don't go too far.''

We both nod in agreement, and Miep sits us all down.

''After you all were taken, we had to close the business down for a while, the Gestapo and Green Police wouldn't allow us to keep working, and money was low. America hadn't invaded any camps at the time, so we were just waiting. Waiting for the news that a camp had been invaded, lives getting saved. It took them a long, long time before we finally heard the news. I had checked downtown each day for your names, that's all we could do. Yesterday I couldn't make it, and today.. look where it got me! Seeing you three!'' Miep explained.

Peter and I seperated, me to write in my diary, Miep, Pim, and Peter to talk or just look around to get memories forgotten while in camp.

Dear Kitty,

We are all finally home. Pim, Peter, and I, that is. Peter has asked me on a date. I know that's going to be tough for him, so I'm not going to rush the date. Money and food are low, I know that much, so I don't need to make sure this date happens now. Peter's alive and with me, that's all I can ask from the world now. I have lost Mother and Margot. I know I said I probably didn't need them before in my head or something, and maybe I don't, but I will miss them. I'll miss everything they did or said to me, even when it irritated me.

Peter's parents have also passed. I feel extremely upset because of this. How can they take the only family he knows? What if they take him, because he has no parents? Wait, no. They can't. His birthday has passed. He is 18 and I am 15. I am 15!

''I have an idea for our date,'' Peter says as he enters our room. ''I just thought I could run it by you instead of a surprise.''

I nod, thinking that is best as well. What if I don't like it, or Peter doesn't, but we're just trying to make each other happy?

Peter sits next to me, holding my hand. ''We could go on a picnic, at the park. You always said you wanted to be outdoors and ...'' he starts to stammer out an explanation.

I grin brightly, loving the idea. ''Yes! Yes, I love that idea!'' I say, throwing my arms around him and hugging him.

Peter sighs in relief before hugging me back. ''I was thinking we go tomorrow, to sort of make our spirits rise before we have to think about what we're going to do,'' Peter offers. ''If that's alright with you.''

''Yes, yes, it's alright with me!'' I say, smiling again; already too excited.

Peter's POV.

Anne likes my idea, and is excited about it. At least, I hope she is. The idea is sweet and romantic and still cheap. All I need is money for food, and Miep is going to ask Mr. Kraler if I can work here. The park is a free place, so that's going to be a plus of this date.

The other plus is that I'll be with Anne, calm and happy.

''Where will you stay tonight?'' Miep asks as her and Mr. Frank enter the common room.

Mr. Frank takes a seat on the sofa, ''For the past week or so, Peter and I have stayed in our home. We were most likely gonna stay there again tonight.''

Miep nods, pausing and glancing around. ''Would you like to pack up your things to take home?'' She asks, grabbing a few bags from the shelf.

We all stood up and grabbed bags from Miep, going off to our rooms, possibly parents rooms, and grabbing things we would want. I grabbed a few photographs, Anne's movie stars, and started packing clothes.

When I left the room and entered the main room, Miep and Mr. Frank were talking about what was happening, how we're supposed to recover from this.

Anne was nowhere to be found. I walked into her and Dussel's old room, and saw her smiling at her diary, not even bothered to begin packing. I smiled myself, she was finally at peace. That's all we wanted for Anne, wasn't it? Mr. Frank and I discussed it, many, many times. We wanted her to go home instead of us, if we could've helped to do that, we would've. 

I think that's why Mr. Frank was so kind to let me take Anne out on our first date. We definitely discussed that, too. I told him about our promise. I confided in him — about nearly everything.

Anne always talked to him, and I noticed why. He was so observant on your feelings and used that in the advice he gave you. 

''Are you ready, Anne?'' I asked softly, careful not to scare her. 

She turns, nodding and smiling still. She begins packing and takes her two bags into the main room. 

We all hug Miep good-bye, and begin our trek to the Frank house. 

''Peter?'' Anne says after a moment. 

''Hmm?'' I respond.

''Have you thought about going to your parents house? Don't you have a right to get things from your home?'' She asks.

I pause, nodding slowly. ''I never thought of that. I guess I could, but what would I take?''

''Memories.'' Anne says softly, smiling before walking inside her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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