Chapter Five.

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Anne's POV

I've been checked in the hosptial for typhus. It's curable, but it's going to take time. I guess it's okay to be here. It's peaceful, quiet. They feed us whatever they can, which isn't much right now. War has ended, though. Which is good. But our supplies are low. Everyone is still thin. From what my doctor and nurses tell me, Germany is slowly recovering from the Holocaust.

Everyone in the hospital is sick. Some people have to share rooms, if they aren't contagious. If they are and they have to, they give out masks. The hospitals everywhere are filled, each doctor is rushing around to help everyone. So many people have passed. Doctors aren't sure if I'll be recovered quick enough. They think I'll have to share a room. I'd prefer not to, but if I have to, I guess I will. They're helping us for free, after all.

I wonder what Mrs. Van Daan would do in this hosptial, oddly enough. I feel that she would request her own room to keep all the tiny amounts of toiletries to herself. Mr. Van Daan would want food. I know he wouldn't share his room, either. If he did, he'd steal the paitents food. Like he did ours. I don't think I'm mad about that, just about how it worked out. Peter almost left me... and imagine if he did. We wouldn't be close, or I wouldn't love him. Do I love him? I've found myself asking that a lot recently and I believe I am. I wish I had my diary. I could write out what I'm feeling, and if we were in the Annex, I could ask Pim what he thinks I'm feeling. Now I don't have Pim, but I feel as though I know my answer. I've gone through a lot in the camps. I've lost, I've learned, and I've most definitely changed. People are not always good at heart, but I believe so. Peter is good at heart.

I love Peter Van Daan, and I'm hoping he comes out alive so I can tell him.

Peter in this hosptial. I feel that he would be open to letting anyone stay in this room, but I'm not sure how he's changed from the camps. Maybe he would hate it, or be fine with it. But he would be fine with it, if he was the same boy when we left. He just wouldn't really pay any mind to the other person.

The nurse comes in my room, holding more than an apple. She has a tray of foods, breakfast, some lunch. My eyes widen and I sit up quickly, greedily. She laughs a little at my actions, pulling a table overtop of me and laying the tray on it. ''For you,'' she said. ''Congrats on being discharged.'' She smiles at me, handing me the release forms and a pen.

They're letting people sign themselves out, no matter the age, because some parents have died. ''Once you finish your meal, you may leave. The hospital has provided some clothing for you. They are next to your bed. Goodbye, Anne.'' She said, smiling warmly at me and exiting my room.

I eat slowly, careful to preserve everything. Also, if I eat too much too fast, I'll get sick. I can't risk being sick again.

Once I'm halfway done, the nurse sneaks me in a bag and wrappings. I, as if realizing the joke, wrap my food in and slide it in the bag. I climb out of the bed and change into the shirt and bottoms they gave me. They both fit surprisingly well. I carried the bag and started slowly out of the hospital, only stopping when a nurse gave me medicine to take with me if I felt bad.

I knew where I was going before I even left the hospital. To Miep's.

Peter's POV.

Mr Frank and I walked down to the Red Cross' center for Jews. We were set on finding out today if Anne was alive, which I hoped so dearly, or .. dead. I still won't believe it even if they said it. She was so full of hope when we began this whole ordeal, and when we seperated.. that was all gone. I don't even know if I'll recongize her when we meet. I know I will, but she must look so weak... nothing like the Anne I knew before.

We go to the front desk to the lady who is probably writing up new lists, and I'm right. She's typing in someone's name from my Father's camp. Dussel's name.

''We're looking for someone,'' Mr. Frank says, breaking me out of my thoughts. ''My daughter, Anne Frank.''

The lady smiles at us and searches through her book. She was at a typewriter, writing about a male's camp. I see Dussel's name and deceased next to it. That's another person we've lost. Father, Mother, Mrs. Frank, Margot, Dussel. I hope that is it.

''Anne Frank, Anne Frank, ah yes! Anne Frank. She's alive and well, just in the hospital for a cold, is what she said.'' After she gives us the directions to the hospital, we exit the building and go outside. I remember Anne always saying she wouldn't take nature for granted, the wind and grass, and I finally get what she was saying.

I didn't really notice it in camps, I was too depressed to do so, but now I do. It's all beautiful, life is. The way the sky can be any color it probably can be, light pink, orange, dark blue, light blue. It just all... fits.

Anne would love to write in her diary about her first experiences outdoors in years, I think. ''Mr. Frank!'' I yell as the idea comes to my mind. ''We should go back, to the Annex. For Anne's diary!'' I say, grinning a little. It seems stupid; to smile at this hard time, but I feel as if my parents were already so closed off from me before.

I love them, sure, always have, always will, it's just, in camp, I knew that only a few of us would survive. I made myself be okay with that; I made myself accept it. Because it's life. And that's what happens.

Mr. Frank and I walk onto the sidewalk infront of the building we hid in for two years. I see Miep in the window, sipping tea. She nearly drops the mug as she sees us, smiling and disappearing only for a second before reappearing at the door, pulling us in. It's springtime, but still cold. Mr. Frank had jackets for us to wear, thin ones, though.

''Hello, Peter, Otto. I never thought I'd...'' She cuts off, grinning. ''I knew you would survive, but I didn't think you'd come back here! All those years.. just locked up..and Anne, oh, speaking of Anne...'' She walks up the stairs, still managing to talk to us.

''Her diary? That's what we're here for.'' I say quietly, and she nods, pointing behind her to the open doorway to the Annex. I climb up the stairs, not worrying about Mr. Frank being behind me or not. Once I walk up, I glance around the main room, my eyes not quiet focused to the still dark room. But I do know what I see, a figure sitting at the table, looking down.

The figure looks up and meets my eyes and suddenly I can see, I blink quickly, unsure if this is real.

''Anne?'' I say softly, walking up to her and hugging her tightly.

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