Chapter Four.

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Anne's POV

I hold onto the females strong shoulders for dear life she strokes my hair in a soothing pattern. This is it, the moment I had waited for so desperately, was here. I shall never take my freedom for granted again or will I never take that special bond I have with my family for granted.. My family.. What is left of them? Maybe in a messed up way this is what I needed, to open my eyes.
"Shhh honey.." The lady says, she's still stroking my hair with the same pattern. "Now I'm going to walk you over there to that see?" She points to a chair on a bus. "And your going to try to act not weak..So they will take you to a hospital and help you."
"But I'm terribly sick why wouldn't they take me?" I asked lowly I could barely talk I was so sick and being out in the sun now didn't help.
"They'll think you're too ill to cure.."
"So why are you telling me this?"
"Because I on the other hand think your too young to die." I nodded at her fast and gratefully it's in this moment that I remember what I wrote in my diary. "And after all this I still think people are good at heart." That still stands today the world was just going through a rough patch.. People were doing what felt was right.. They needed someone to take the blame for their wrong doing ... Our religion was there ...And we didn't speak when it happened to the first people ...or when the next happened ... Then it ended up being this.... thousands of people being kept in poor living conditions getting killed. Thousands of women and children...and males. Sitting in the chair she placed me on I try my best to stay sitting up straight and fight myself mentally to try to look less weak. Which happened to be nearly impossible because of my weight that had dropped drastically. They are walking around the bus filling out paperwork names ,and questions. I practiced my act on how not to sound so weak when speaking it was my only way of getting help.
"Name please?"The deep voice restrains me from my thoughts.
I cough twice before answering "I'm Anne, Anne Frank."
"Okay Anne do you feel sick? If so how with a fever or...."He asked trailing off at the end while writing my name on the clipboard.
"I think I might have a cold or something of that sort."I tell him he checked off a box on his clipboard and hands me and two apple. I gladly accept it and he walks away black boots hitting the ground with loud thuds. Maybe Peter camp is liberated him and Pim might be at the port waiting for my arrival. Here I am worrying about Pim and Peter when most likely they're gone ..Its never been a thought that's crossed my mind until now what would I do if they where gone...Where would I go? Looking out the window I see that magical sky bright blue with slight yellow here and there..hopefully if they aren't alive they're looking down at me.. I press my hand against the window. "I've made it mother...I've made it Margot."I look up to the sky there up there probably so happy for me they don't know what to do with themselves. Tears threatened to spill slowly knocking at the doors of my eyes but I don't answer..I was tired of living in sorrow and misery.

Peter's Pov
It had been one week since me and Mr. Frank had been liberated and still no sign of Anne. Could this be it for us? My promise to her gone down the drain? If I could have finished my sentence that day maybe she would have known... She could have known that I was promising to take her out on a real date..To never forget the time we spent to gather...All those days we lived behind bars otherwise known as the attic not able to talk certain hours or have the energy we needed as growing children... I was losing everything dear to me and it was starting to effect my attitude greatly. I need some type of sign ...confirmation... Anything and this would be a time when most would turn to there lord ...Why would he accept me now after all this time and I only turn to him and start to believe when I need something.
"Where are you Anne ... are you somewhere safe? Are you thinking of me?" I look outside to the abandoned neighborhood. No children were outside. No one was there it was as if this was a desert. Could it be that people are scared to return home? Maybe I know I wouldn't have went home if it wasn't for Mr. Frank.
"Peter you'll have to get a job soon son."Mr. Frank says starling me I turn on my heels to face him he's still very thin and has less hair then before we entered the camp.
"Yes I know."
"Maybe come and work at my company when I get it back up and running?"
"Maybe."I was not really interested in this conversation I was to worried and fearful that Anne wouldn't return . I have a mind never ending....Never ending isn't good it can get you into trouble..But come to think of it I had been told the same about my temper ...And something are never true.

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