Chapter one

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Regulus Black was mentally cursing himself. It was his first day of Junior year. He and his big brother Sirius were walking to school today. Sirius was excited for his senior year, whereas Regulus wanted to go back to bed. Normally their mother had a worker drive them to school, but the boys wanted to walk. They didn't live that far, so it was fine.

  Sirius looked at him with a smirk. "So Reg, are you interested in anyone at our school?" Regulus kept a straight face, even though he was thinking of a certain messy haired, bespectacled senior. "Nah. What about you? Finally going to get the courage to ask out Remus?" Sirius blushed. "I dunno. He probably doesn't like me." Regulus shook his head. Everyone knew that Remus had a massive crush on Sirius. Why he liked Regulus' arrogant older brother was a mystery, but it wasn't any of his business.

  Once they walked into Hogwarts High school, Sirius said goodbye to his little brother, and walked over to James, Remus, and Peter, who were waiting for him by his locker. They waved at Regulus. He waved back, his eyes lingering on James for a minute, then he walked over to his locker.

  He found his best friend and fellow junior Barty Crouch Jr waiting for him. He was texting someone. Regulus walked over to him. "Sup Bitch." Barty looked up with a signature crazy grin. "What's up Fucker!?" Regulus laughed and put in his locker combination. Barty leaned against the lockers. "Wanna hang out after school with me and Lucius?" Regulus shrugged. "Sure. I have no problem being the third wheel." Barty laughed. "Okay! Meet us at the park after school!"

  Regulus shut his locker, and the two began to wall to their first class of the day. Barty looked at his schedule. "I have language arts 11. What do you have?" Regulus looked at his schedule as well. "Same as you." Barty grinned. "Yes!" He dragged Regulus away from his locker. Regulus sighed as he dropped his stuff. As he bent down to pick it up, another pair of hands came into view. Regulus looked up, and his heart stopped.

  James Potter was looking at him. "Need help?" Regulus nodded. They picked it all up, and James put it in his own arms along with his own things. "I noticed you have language arts 11. I have Chemistry in the next room. I'll walk with you guys." Regulus smiled, and Barty grumbled. He knew that Regulus had a massive crush on James, so he let him walk with them.

  The three of them chatted as they weaved around throngs of students. Barty had a mischievous look on his face as he looked at James. "So Potter. Dating anyone?" Regulus glared at him. James, Oblivious as ever, shook his head. "No. But I have someone in mind. He looked hopefully at Regulus, who was too busy glaring at Barty to notice. But Barty did. He nodded.

  They reached their destination. James handed Regulus his things, waved, and walked into Chemistry. As The two juniors walked into LA, Barty grinned. "He totally likes you." Regulus rolled his eyes. "As if. There's no way." Barty raised an eyebrow. "He didn't carry my things. Also when he said he had someone in mind that he wanted to date, he looked right at you. Which you would have noticed, if you wouldn't have been trying to kill me with your eye lasers."

"Suck a dick."

"No thanks."

*Here is the first Chapter! I love this so far!*

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