Chapter Seven

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Lucius tapped his hand against the table. The Malfoys invited over the Crouchs, and both sides of the Black family. He and Barty were finally going to come out to everyone.

  Lucius glanced across the table at his father. Abraxas Malfoy was talking to Walburga Black. He looked around the table. Sirius was gripping his butter knife like he wanted to throw it at his mother. Regulus was sitting next to him, with a bored look on his face. Narcissa was on one side of Lucius, talking to her sibling Andromeda, better known as Andy. He looked uncomfortable in a dress, as today was a male day. Bellatrix picked at her food. Lucius looked to the other side of him. Barty was squirming. He could never sit still. He looked out of place in a suit and tie. His split dyed hair was flattened and gelled back. He refused to take out his many piercings, so they stuck out like a sore thumb. He looked over at Lucius. He smiled, and slipped his hand under the table, and grabbed his hand.

  Towards the end of dinner, Lucius cleared his throat. "I would like to say something if that's okay with you Father." He said, looking at Abraxas. He nodded. Lucius took a deep breath. "I'm gay. I'm sorry to disappoint you Father, but I can't marry Narcissa when we're older. Because I'm in love with Barty." He grabbed Barty's face and kissed him. The adults gasped. Lucius pulled away, and looked at his father. Abraxas was fuming. Before he could say anything however, Narcissa spoke up. "I don't want to marry Lucius anyway. I'm dating Lily Evans." Narcissa's mother spoke. "Evans? Isn't that the red haired girl who can't keep her mouth shut?" She nodded. Sirius grinned. "Not that any of you care, but I am a flaming homosexual, who is deeply in love in Remus Lupin." Walburga sneered. "How dare you date someone who is poor, let alone a male." She looked at Regulus with pride. "At least my other son isn't a failure." Regulus smirked. "I'm dating James." Orion was furious. "That arrogant Potter boy that Sirius hangs around?" Regulus grinned. "The very same." Andy stood up. "I'M GENDER FLUID! I IDENTIFY AS A MALE RIGHT NOW, AND I'M DATING TED TONKS, WHO IS NON-BINARY!" The adults gasped, and glanced at Bellatrix. She shrugged. "I guess I should mention that I'm queer, and dating Tom Riddle." Her father snarled. "The leader of that horrid gang called the death eaters?" She nodded. Mrs. Crouch fainted. Abraxas stood up and pointed at the door. "OUT! ALL OF YOU! HOW DARE YOU NASTY CHILDREN BRING YOUR QUEERNESS IN HERE? OUT!" They all ran out.

   Lucius went to follow Barty, but Abraxas grabbed his shirt. "Not you boy. I need to talk to you." Lucius twisted out of his father's grasp. "No thank you Father. I said all I had to." He ran out, his father screaming profanities after him.

  The seven of them were gathered in the park, getting weird looks from passersby, because they were all still in their formal wear. Narcissa grinned at Lucius. "That was great Lu! I'm so proud of you!" Sirius smirked. "Yeah who woulda thought?" He turned to his brother. "Why aren't you surprised? They're your best friends." Regulus shrugged. "I already knew." 

  Suddenly James, Remus, Peter, Ted, Lily, and Tom came rushing into the park. James pulled Sirius and Regulus into a hug. "Are you guys ok? We got your texts." He said, gesturing to the group behind him. Their significant others nodded. Bellatrix looked at Peter. "Why are you here?" He grinned."I'm here for moral support. Also I wanted to tell Lucius and Barty congratulations for finally coming out of the closet." Remus gave him a weird look. "How did you know?" Barty grinned. "He walked in on us making out in a cleaning closet."  Lucius blushed, and Peter and Barty laughed.

  Bellatrix stood up from where she was sitting on the swings. "I'll see you dorks later. I'm crashing at Tom's place tonight." Tom nodded. "I suggest the rest of you find places to stay as well. If you ever need anything, let me know, and I'll send some death eaters to help you." They nodded, as Bellatrix and Tom left. James grinned. "Well Regulus, do you want to sleep at my place? My parents won't mind." Regulus nodded. Sirius looked at Remus. "Can we have a sleepover?" Remus laughed. "Of course you dork." Andy was going with Ted, and Narcissa was going with Lily. That left Barty and Lucius. They looked at each other. "Where are we going to go?" Barty asked, tilting his head. Lucius shrugged. Peter walked over. "You guys can stay with me if you want. My parents are pretty accepting, and we have a guest room." Lucius smiled and grabbed Barty's hand. "That would be much appreciated."

  That night, as Lucius watched Barty sleep next to him, he had a realization. He no longer had to pretend to be a pretentious asshole. He could be himself with the man that he loved. He was free.

*Sorry it took me so long to write. My life is still a living hell. I hope you enjoyed!*

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