Chapter Five

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Remus had a problem. A Sirius problem. He knew that Sirius was leaving those notes, but he didn't know why he was leaving those notes. Was it a joke? Probably. There was no way he actually wanted to date Remus. Remus shut his locker and against his better judgement looked at the note clutched in his hand.

Your love of books makes me want to read them too. You're so passionate, just one of the many reasons why I love you. -Your secret admirer

  That was the final straw. Remus weaved around the crowds of students looking for the leather jacket wearing senior. He finally found him talking to Regulus. Remus stormed over to them, note clenched in his fist. He slammed the note into Sirius' chest, catching him by surprise. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Another one of your pranks?" Sirius looked at him with confusion in his gray eyes. "How did you know it was me?" Remus raised an eyebrow. "Peter told me." "Peter! That rat! I'm going to-"

  Remus grabbed Sirius by the collar of his shirt. He was furious. "Cut the shit Black. Why are you playing with my emotions?" Before Sirius could open his mouth, Regulus spoke.

  "Jesus. I thought you were the smart one. He likes you, Moron." "He's not a moron!" Sirius said, still in Remus' grip. Remus looked between them. "This isn't a joke? You actually…. SHIT!" He let go of Sirius and ran to the nearest bathroom, and locked himself in the nearest stall.

  He started sobbing. How could he be so stupid? Now Sirius probably hated him. He lost his only chance of dating his crush since 8th grade. He heard the door to the bathroom open. He saw a pair of combat boots stop at his stall door. "Remus? Please come out, I want to talk to you. I'm not mad."

   Remus slowly unlocked the door, and peeked out to look at Sirius. "You're not?" Sirius shook his head. "I meant everything I wrote. Although I probably should have just told you." Remus opened the door all the way, and chuckled. "Yeah, you probably should have."

  They stood staring at each other for a few minutes. Sirius was the first to speak up. "So…. What now?" Remus smiled. He leaned down and captured Sirius' lips with his own. Sirius kissed back, wrapping his arms around Remus. They stayed like that for as long as they could, until they had to break apart for air. Remus looked down at Sirius. His long black hair was thrown up in a ponytail, and his gray eyes sparkled from underneath thick eyeliner. He grinned. "That. Was fucking fantastic." Remus laughed and grabbed his hand. "C'mon love, let's go to lunch."

  When they arrived at lunch, everyone from their table stared at them. Regulus, Barty and Lucius now joined their table, along with Lily and Narcissa. When Sirius and Remus sat down, James bombarded them with questions.

  "Where were you two? What happened? Is Regulus telling the truth? Are you guys dating? Can I be your best man at your wedding?"

  Regulus put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Calm down babe. Yes I'm telling the truth. Why would I lie?" Sirius laughed, and Remus chuckled. He felt better than he had in years.

  They all talked until it was time for class. Remus kissed Sirius goodbye, then rushed to his next class. He could barely focus in AP physics. He was finally at peace with himself. For now.


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