Chapter Two

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Sirius was waiting for his friends at their usual lunch table. He picked at his lunch that the family cook had packed. He wasn't hungry, which was unusual for him. He normally would scarf down his meal without a second thought. Today he was too nervous. He had snuck a letter into Remus' locker claiming to be a secret admirer.

  Peter sat down across from Sirius. He glanced around, then leaned across the table to whisper to Sirius. "Did you do it?" Sirius nodded. Peter was the only one he told. He didn't even tell James about his plan to woo Remus. Sirius loved James dearly, but he couldn't keep a secret too well. Especially from anyone in their group. Peter on the other hand could. He was also Aromantic and Asexual, which meant he was logical in helping instead of getting all mushy and gushy.

  Before either of them could say anything however, James sat down next to Peter. "Hey guys!" He seemed happier than normal, which was hard, because James was usually pretty chipper. "Hey James! Why are you so happy?" Sirius asked with a smirk. "Did it have anything to do with why you didn't want to walk with me to Chemistry?" Peter asked, raising a blonde eyebrow. James nodded, but didn't say anything else about the matter. Sirius was going to make a snide remark, but he felt someone plop down beside him. He turned and tried to stay calm. Remus was sitting next to him. He was stunning. Wearing a large sweater with ripped skinny jeans and Vans he looked hot. As usual, he had a book with him. A red beanie sat atop his light brown curls.

  Peter cleared his throat. Sirius was staring. Again. He snapped out of it, and put on his usual smirk. "Hey Remus!" Remus' amber eyes sparkled, a light blush dusted his cheeks, highlighting the scars on his face. He had gotten those scars as a child when he was attacked by a wolf on a camping trip.

  "Hey Sirius." James looked up from his food. "Where's my hello?" Remus smiled. "Hi James. Hi Peter." They said their hellos. Remus ate his peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich. When he was done, he pulled something out of his schoolbag. It was the note. Sirius bit his lip and glanced at Peter, who looked back at him. James tried to read the note upside down. "What's that?" Remus blushed again. "It's a love note from a secret admirer." He passed it around. When it reached Sirius, he read it, even though he already knew what it said.

  Your beauty compares to no other. Your eyes shine like stars against the darkness of life.
-Your secret admirer

  Sirius was thanking God that he knew how to change his handwriting. It was a secret talent of his that he used to forge his mother's signature on permission slips that he knew she wouldn't sign.

  He handed it back to Remus. "I don't recognize the handwriting. Do you know who it's from? Remus shook his head. "No. But I have someone who I hope wrote it." Sirius' heart skipped a beat. "And that would be?" Remus was about to answer, when the bell rang.

Sirius cursed. He said goodbye, threw his trash away, then rang to his next class. He hated that stupid fucking bell. If only Remus had a chance to answer. 

*Next chapter will be an A/N to show what everyone looks like*

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