How They Play Among Us

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*Art above was made by me


- If he's a crew-mate, you better believe he's not doing any task

- "Come on guys, we have like two more task left!"

Mikey: Where was the place you shoot the rocks at again?

"You haven't done a single task, have you Mikey?"

Draken: (Y/n), Mikey's character is just staring at a wall

- You sigh and realize crew lost the game because Mikey didn't do his task

- He's pretty good at being an impostor though, probably kills Takemichi first to see his reaction


- If he's a crew-mate, he does all of his tasks

- Tries to get everyone else to finish their tasks so crew can win

- If Mikey's a crew-mate with him and they're sitting next to each other, he'll take control of Mikey's character in order to get tasks done

- Good at being an impostor


- If he's crew-mate, he gets some of his task done

- Struggled at the card swipe because he kept doing it too fast

- Got stuck on Simon says before someone calls for a meeting

- Baji: Aargh! I was almost done with that stupid ass task

"Which one?"

Baji: The one with the numbers

" know it starts over once the meeting is over right?"

Baji: Fuck this game

- Pretty good impostor but got caught by Mikey since Mikey was in a room just standing there when Baji killed someone

- You customized his character so it can look like a cat


- Decent crew-mate

- If Baji's an impostor, he'll help him kill the others

- Kind of a third impostor in a way

- "I think it's Chifuyu and Baji."

Mitsuya: Why?

"Well I saw Baji vent in the same room as Chifuyu and Chifuyu didn't say anything."

Chifuyu: Yeah, I did see Baji-san vent but

"Guilty! Vote him out!"

~Chifufu wasn't an Impostor~

Chifuyu: Wait, why is my name Chifufu?


Takemichi: Wow (Y/n), you just third impostor, didn't you?


- Wears the black cat hat/ears


- Great crew-mate

- Gets all his task done

- Pretty good at figuring out who's an impostor

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