Sofia leaves

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Christa goes to the castle

(Christa) Hi your majesties is Sofia home.

(Miranda) Yes follow me.

They went up to Sofia's room

(Miranda) Sofia you have a visitor.

(Christa) Hi Sofia.

(Sofia) Hi Christa. What are you doing here?

(Christa) We have to go to Centopia.

(Sofia) Ok let's go. Bye mom.

(Miranda) Sofia please be careful.

(Sofia) I will. I wish to be a fairy. How long is the trip?

(Christa) About three hours.

(Sofia) Ok.

An hour later

(Christa) We should get a drink of water.

(Sofia) Ok let's go.

Two hours later

Sofia And Elana Go to CentopiaWhere stories live. Discover now