Orien ,Vega and Elena come to Centopia

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One hour later

(Sofia) I need to turn back into my original self. I wish to be human.

(Mo) Whoa how'd you do that?

(Sofia) The magical necklace my dad gave me it contains powerful magic. The saying is for each deed preformed for better or worse a power is granted a blessing or a curse.

(Mo) Wow that is so cool.

Orien and Vega arrived.

(Orien) Princess Sofia, where is Christa?

(Sofia) She's right there.

(Vega) Sofia didn't your amulet give you the power to heal anyone who is hurt or sick?

(Sofia) Your right Vega. I totally forgot. But what if it doesn't work?

(Orien) Sofia, did Christa train you to give up?

(Sofia) No, every time I failed I tried again.

(Orien) Exactly if this doesn't work we will figure out how to wake her up.

(Sofia) Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.

Christa started to wake up.

(Christa) Sofia, Orien,Vega, Skye.

(Vega) Christa do you remember what happened?

(Christa) Yes, Sofia wasn't paying attention and she was about to crash into a tree but I pushed her out of the way instead I crashed into a tree.

(Vega) Glad your all right Christa.

(Sofia) Christa, this is King Raynor, Queen Mayla, Prince Mo, Huko and Mia.

(Christa) Hi your majesties. How long was I passed out?

(Queen Mayla) One hour.

(Christa) One hour. Sofia did you rest after flying three hours here?

(Sofia) No I was to worried about you.

Then they heard the waterglares.

(Sofia) What is going on out there?

Sofia looked through the window.

(Sofia) That's Queen Elena of Avalor. Stop firing!

(Elena) Sofia!

(Sofia) Elena, Isabelle, Mateo, Gabe, Skylar, Migs and Luna. What are you doing here?

Elena gave Sofia a big hug.

(Skylar) Hi princessa.

(Sofia) Hi Skylar.

(Elena) I heard about Christa is she alright?

(Sofia) She's back to normal.

(Elena) I just realized that it's been forty-five years since Shurrikki attacked Avalor.

(Sofia) That means forty-five years without your parents.

(Elena) Sadly Yes.

(Sofia) Elana, this is King Raynor, Queen Mayla, Prince Mo, Huko, and Mia.

(Elena) Your majesties. I am Queen Elena of Avalor, this is my sister Princess Isabelle, this is are royal wizard Mateo, my royal guard Gabe, are Jaquins Skylar, Luna and Migs.

(King Raynor) So what happened to your parents?

(Elena) I will tell you once we get inside.

(King Raynor) Ok follow me.

(Elena) Forty-six years ago on my fifteenth birthday my parents gave me a special gift that day the amulet of Avalor. They said it would always protect me from harm. I didn't think I would ever need it. But one fateful day an evil power hungary sorceress named Shurrikki invaded Avalor. She attacked my parents with her wond and then came after the rest of us. Are old royal wizard Alicazar knew a way to protect my little sister and grandparents in an enchanced painting. But he needed time to cast it. So I bravely chose to face Sherrikki on my own. When she tried to strike me down the amulet saved my life by putting me inside it. Are old royal wizard found the amulet and went on a journey to free me. It took a little longer than I hoped forty-one years. Sofia freed me from the amulet. I freed my grandparents and sister from the painting and the villagers helped me defeat the evil sorceress. I was freed from the amulet four years ago.

(Mo) Wow.

(Migs) It's the jaquins job to protect Avalor and we failed at it.

(Elena) We were lucky Sofia was brave and clever to get me out of the amulet.

(Mateo) Elena it's time for scepter training.

(Huko) What's scepter training?

(Elena) Scepter training is when I learn how to use my magical scepter without passing out.

(Huko) Ok.

Sofia And Elana Go to CentopiaWhere stories live. Discover now