Sofia's Family Come

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(Sofia) I wish my family could be here.

(Amber) Hi Sofia.

(Sofia) Amber what are you doing here?

(Amber) We took are flying horses.

(Sofia) Mom, Dad, Mr. Cedric, James. What are you doing here?

(Miranda) We missed you.

(Sofia) I missed you too.

(King Raynor) Sofia, who are your guest?

(Sofia) King Raynor and Queen Mayla. This is my dad King Roland, my mom Queen Miranda, My brother and sister Prince James and Princess Amber and are royal sorcerer Cedric.

(King Raynor) Hi I am King Raynor, this is Queen Mayla, Prince Mo his friends Mia and Huko.

(Sofia's family) Your majesties.

(Amber) Sofia, I missed you.

(Sofia) I missed you too.

(Christa,Orien and Vega) Hi your majesties.

(Roland) Hi Christa, Orien and Vega.

(Sofia) Dad guess who else is here.

(Roland) Who?

(Sofia) Queen Elena and her family.

Elana and her family came out.

(Elena) Hi King Roland, Queen Miranda, Princess Amber and Prince James.

(Roland) Hi Queen Elena.

(Elena) Please call me Elena

Sofia And Elana Go to CentopiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora