In Centopia

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(Christa) Princess we are here.

(Sofia) This place is so beautiful.

Sofia was flying backwards and almost crashed into a tree.

(Christa) Princess watch out!

Christa ended up crashing into the Tree.

(Sofia) Christa! Wake up.

Sofia checked her pulse.

(Sofia) Still alive.

(Yuko) Mo, Mia look.

(Mo) What is going on down there?

(Mia) Let's see.

They land

(Skye) My princess I must inform you that we are not alone.

(Mia) Hi I'm Mia, this is Yuko, Prince Moa and this is Fuddle.Who are you?

(Sofia) Hi I'm Princess Sofia and this is Christa and Skye

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(Sofia) Hi I'm Princess Sofia and this is Christa and Skye

(Sofia) Hi I'm Princess Sofia and this is Christa and Skye

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(Mo) What happened to her?

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(Mo) What happened to her?

(Sofia) I wasn't paying attention and I almost crashed into a tree. Instead she crashed into the tree. She let her own self get hurt to save me. I should be out protecting others.

(Mo) I will get the King and Queen.

Mo grab the King and Queen.

(Mo) Princess Sofia, this is King Raynor and Queen Mayla.

(Mo) Princess Sofia, this is King Raynor and Queen Mayla

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(Sofia) Hi your majesties. I'm Princess Sofia of Enchania. This is Christa and this is Skye.

(Queen Mayla) What happened to Christa?

(Sofia) I wasn't paying attention and I almost crashed into a tree. She let her own self get hurt to save me. I should be out protecting others.

(Queen Mayla) Let's get her inside the palace.

(Sofia) Where is her enchantlet and her Necessi key.

(King Raynor) What is an enchantlet and a necessi key?

(Sofia) An enchantlet is something all protectors have one. I will show you how it works, see that Apple?

(King Raynor) Yes.

Sofia flicked her wrist and had the magical rope come out and got the apple.

(Sofia) Here you go Skye.

(Skye) Thanks Sofia.

(Sofia) Your Welcome.

(Queen Mayla) Wow that is cool.

(Sofia) And this is an necessi key it makes magical doors. But those two things are dangerous if you are not trained to use one.

(Huko) I see the enchantlet and the necessi key up there in the tree.

Huko got the enchantlet and necessi key back.

(Huko) Here Princess Sofia.

(Sofia) Thanks Huko. Excuse me for a minute I got to call the head protectors. Orien, Vega.

(Vaga) Sofia what's wrong?

(Sofia) The good news is we made to Centopia. The bad news is Christa crashed into a tree and is unconscious.

(Orien) What! We are on are way be there in one hour.

Sofia And Elana Go to CentopiaWhere stories live. Discover now