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Pierre's P.O.V.

2 marvellous weeks ticked by smoothly. November appeared soon. 

This day took off from marvellous start as I went for a run with my sons in the morning, then we worked out together and ate breakfast before having a few errands to run; mine just start at 10 and theirs - at 8. Boys went on a mini trip with their friends to California, they will be back on Saturday. 

"No, reschedule the meeting for Friday."- I told my P.A. over the phone, making myself black coffee while breakfast for my baby girl is preparing. 

"Tyler, entire December and January has to be free and by free I mean that there should be no meetings, no conferences, no business trips. Whatever there is to do, it has to be done now or in the end of February."- I replied surely, leaving no space for any negotiations. 

I want to take my children on many trips during winter time, to celebrate Christmas and New Year with them, to spoil my sons on their birthdays: December 5th - Ares; January 20th - Winston; February 5th - Matthew. I want give my kids a beautiful memory of winter as a family, memory that will be able to compete with next, even better, even more precious holidays together. Work is just not even up for discussion during that time - I am going to be home. 

"Good. I will be at the office around 10 o'clock."- I said collectedly before hanging up while setting a bowl for my girl. 

I put my phone on the island and got back to making my beautiful daughter breakfast, being done in a moment. As I checked the time, it was 09:15. I took the bowl with spoon and went upstairs to my little sunshine, worrying as I heard her nearly inaudible whimper and sob.

I opened the door, feeling my heart race from fear and concern, only to see my baby girl hug Fluff, a plush sheep that she got from Elizabeth as a surprise, and blink away tears.

"Mon petit papillon, que s'est-il passé ? Pourquoi pleures-tu, mon amour?"- I asked in worry, putting the bowl on the dresser before approaching her, crouching down to her level

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"Mon petit papillon, que s'est-il passé ? Pourquoi pleures-tu, mon amour?"- I asked in worry, putting the bowl on the dresser before approaching her, crouching down to her level. (My little butterfly, what happened? Why are you crying, my love?) 

"Fluff est tombé du fauteuil la nuit. Il devait avoir si froid sur le sol la nuit. Et s'il s'était aussi blessé?"- spoke shakily Genevieve, her big, vivid, angelic, light blue eyes red and glossy from tears. (Fluff fell from the arm-chair at night. He must have been so cold on the floor at night. What if he also got hurt?) 

"Viens ici, ma petite princesse."- I said warmly, scooping her feather-like self up in my arms, smiling lovingly at her. (Come here, my little princess.) 

"Ne pleure pas, mon bel ange. Je suis sûr que Fluff va bien et qu'il sait qu'une telle situation ne devait pas arriver."- I assured my innocent angel, tenderly wiping away her tears. (Don't cry, my beautiful angel. I am sure that Fluff is alright and he knows that such situation wasn't meant to happen.) 

𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now